Which character is stronger ?

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Again it will be the same rank as yoru BEFORE yoru was turned into a blackblade. So by default yoru would still be the stronger blade
yoru is in the 12 grade so no it was probably a grade bellow before being turned black .
OR they will say yoru is a swor don his own unique in the world and is not part of any tier because it by pass the 12 legendary tier .

Yoru was a 21 before being turned to a black blade
Because Lucci one shot Sentomaru and equally clashed with the mode that turned Kaido into a bitch. Also, Lucci is still a superior six power user and always have been lol.

Zoro doesn't do shit lmao. Don't get cocky because he's defeating Kaku.
Now I am supposed to be impressed by garbage like sentomaru who is weaker than pre time skip Zoro?

Lmao Gear 5th couldn't even tickle Kaido without Haki. At this point Dressrosa Zoro stomps Gear 5th Luffy.

Awakening is that dog shit.
no we dont know you just don't want it to be the case.
This is the truth .

IM saying this is a possibility .
Saying it is impossible is a lie .
There is small possibility .
Especially since ryuma is an important character for Oda .
Zoro is neither Ryuma's clone or descendant. Lolda already discarded that plot point back in Wano when Zoro didn't become the new Sword God, dude.
Visuals can easily be inconsistent, this is Oda we're talking about. There's too many examples in the past to point out.

The difference is the narrative is pretty clear. It's the same transition from CoA -> CoC that Luffy did to start doing meaningful and "not shallow" damage to Kaidou, only shown between the Scabbards' attempt at cutting Kaidou & Zoro's attempt at cutting Kaidou.
I agree with visuals being inconsistent, but surely it's a little convenient for them to be "inconsistent" when Zoro uses it for the first time. Surely Oda would've made a bigger deal out of it. It also makes sense for him to be using CoC normally unconsciously, just like Luffy has at Marineford right? It doesn't make sense for the first time he uses it to be AdvCoC, at least to me. But I do see where you're coming from with Kaido talking about it right after.
Why would it make Zoro stronger then? If it's just a Haki control tool? Zoro says that if he masters it, that would mean that he will get stronger. How does that work, if he can already draw out 80 without Enma?
O.M.G @Ssg super suit coby @nik87 some progress :finally:

Exactly like you said it’s haki control, Enma is used to Oden’s haki, his pool is like 120. (Oden had Enma as a child naturally as Oden grew so has Enmas thirst)

Zoro was holding himself back until Asura against Kaido, Enma now knows Zoro has the haki pool it wants, so Zoro’s haki pool should be 120+, Enma keeps taking haki forcing Zoro to create KOH showing he’s worthy. KOH in a state of Haki always unleashed. (CoC + CoA) Also having Zoro understand he’s a conqueror.
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