Which character is stronger ?

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Garp foreshadowed return of Rocks...
All the major figures could still be there.
Rocks himself, very likely to be the main course of all this build up, cloned from the original that is in ID.
Kaido himself might return Awakened because death is what should awaken him since that was his greatest desire.
Whitebeard clone present in form of Weevil.
Bakkin clone present in form of Stussy.
Only Big Mom left - who is her clone or is the real one coming back too, Awakened as well? :lusalty:

We are probably heading towards one big mess if cloning goes out of control.
Bonney gives me cloned BM vibes lol, but imo its not her.

I think Kaido/BM have decent chances of returning. The Wano volcano seems like the perfect reason to have them launched away. There are ID level 6 inmates that also broke put after BB went. Im like 90% sure fullalead will have Shiki, Ochoku, Silver Axe and several others, potentially even as clones either in CP0 or somewhere else. Then yes, Weevil and either Rocks is alive or has a clone. Otherwise, Blackbeard is a strong candidate at least from a living will perspective.

All in all though, this is all definitely building to something, no idea what. Actual Lurking Legend shit being addressed lmao?
Lanjitards are masters of leeching off of Zoro's feats, after all. You expect plenty "Lanji could have beaten Kaku, too!" threads after the chapter drops. :milaugh:
We have bigger fish to fry, starting off with the "everyone with awakening is stronger than YC level" narrative. I want to see how casually Zoro beats someone far stronger than YC level. That's a big deal for a mere YC1. :myman:
Not really
Nothing currently states that lucci is 2x stronger than current kaku
Yes. Past events do. In the past, it was stated that Lucci = 2x Kaku. That's the evidence. Now if you claim that it's changed, you have to provide evidence. That's why you have the burden of proof. We are merely stating that there is no evidence to show that it's changed.


I will never forgive Oda
Yes. Past events do. In the past, it was stated that Lucci = 2x Kaku. That's the evidence. Now if you claim that it's changed, you have to provide evidence. That's why you have the burden of proof. We are merely stating that there is no evidence to show that it's changed.
His entire argument is “why not?” Which is just headcanon.

We can easily say Lucci is 3x Kaku now because “why not?”


World's Strongest Swordsman
Yes. Past events do. In the past, it was stated that Lucci = 2x Kaku. That's the evidence. Now if you claim that it's changed, you have to provide evidence. That's why you have the burden of proof. We are merely stating that there is no evidence to show that it's changed.
How is there not
Kaku just showed the fastest growth rate going
Hes got the fastest awakening in the series
Why wouldn’t it be? Tell me why this relationship suddenly changed
This makes no sense. What you are saying is the equivalent of saying "well current Lucci should be luffy level since they were close in power level pretimeskip". Nothing suggested that luffy snd Lucci were close currently even though they were close pretimeskip. The same applies to Lucci and Kaku. Especially added with the fact that oda had Kaku be the one to question luffy multiple times with luffy keeping shut and now both having awakening etc
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