Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Let's put some respect on Kaku
He seems to not be that far from Lucci
Nothing Lucci did seems above his possibilies now

- both are CP0 elite masked agents
- both use Armament Haki Hardening
- both are mentioned the same by Stussy as "powerful guys she didn't want to fight head-on"*

After all, let's not forget that Kaku has immense potential, he is the fastest person in the series to achieve Awakening of his Devil Fruit
And even in Enies Lobby could immediately make good use or his DF, even creating a new powerful finishing move (which he can now use in base and casually)

* the good old "mentioned together"
kaku can do better than lucci against g5 :kata: cuz uses flying slashes attacks which are more effective
Let's put some respect on Kaku
He seems to not be that far from Lucci
Nothing Lucci did seems above his possibilies now

- both are CP0 elite masked agents
- both use Armament Haki Hardening
- both are mentioned the same by Stussy as "powerful guys she didn't want to fight head-on"*

After all, let's not forget that Kaku has immense potential, he is the fastest person in the series to achieve Awakening of his Devil Fruit
And even in Enies Lobby could immediately make good use or his DF, even creating a new powerful finishing move (which he can now use in base and casually)

* the good old "mentioned together"
Kaku still didnt used 4 swordstyle
Luffy was probably just worried with Zoro. Luffy never doubts Sanji
The same Luffy that has to scream at the n°4 because he's about to get killed or the Luffy that knows that Zoro can handle anything?
So Luffy and Zoro attacking with them means nothing? :suresure::suresure:
They attacked at the same time, they're fast and skilled enough to land hits on their own without distractions. :saden:
S-Bear was not there though. We can't know how he would've done against Teach. Also there's not really any argument to say S-Hawk is stronger other than him being based off Mihawk.
You can't take that feat away from S-Hawk just because S-Bear wasn't there. Oda could have sent him to face BB but he didn't.

I'm basing thier strength off everything they have showed us and most importantly their fighting skills and strength and battle. The strength and skills S-Hawk possesses from being based off Mihawk is the reason he's stronger. So far S-Bear is not as impressive as S-Hawk in battle.


Oda is scaling Zoro and Sanji through Luffy's gears

He needed Gear 2 to beat Blueno

Meanwhile Sanji broke Blueno's Tekkai already in Water 7

Zoro and Sanji defeated much stronger opponents than Blueno, and were already competing with them pre-Ashura and pre-Diable Jambe

It's no surprise Luffy is using Gear 4 while Zoro uses Rengoku Onigiri

Stop crying Luffytards
stop leeching off of zoro, sanji didn't do shit
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