One Piece Chapter 1080, "The Legendary Hero"

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Ended up changing chapter rating from 4 star to 2, upon realization that Perona freed Koby before even this entire commotion, how tf does that even happen

Terrible implications for the future, it's one of those braindead writings in the series. Could have easily had one of the sword members sneak in as they seem a lot more competent, like Helmeppo maybe instead of being a bitchboy?
Ended up changing chapter rating from 4 star to 2, upon realization that Perona freed Koby before even this entire commotion, how tf does that even happen

Terrible implications for the future, it's one of those braindead writings in the series. Could have easily had one of the sword members sneak in as they seem a lot more competent, like Helmeppo maybe instead of being a bitchboy?
Probably because she can fly, astral project and phase through walls plus instantly neg people with an island wide network of ghosts that report directly back to her
Revisit the Thriller Bark arc.
Probably because she can fly, astral project and phase through walls plus instantly neg people with an island wide network of ghosts that report directly back to her
Revisit the Thriller Bark arc.
Absalom could turn invisible and escaped from Doffy's eyes with Moria but got killed in pirate island.
To me it doesn't make sense because 1 ball and chain shouldn't be able to subdue a guy like Koby who has no devil fruit and can punch his way out of a normal cell.
Probably because she can fly, astral project and phase through walls plus instantly neg people with an island wide network of ghosts that report directly back to her
Revisit the Thriller Bark arc.
She can't fly or phase with her real body, though, and I don't think her ghosts or her became invisible, or "CoO-proof". She has a very useful power set for intel gathering but infiltrating like this into a Yonko base is a bit much.


Ended up changing chapter rating from 4 star to 2, upon realization that Perona freed Koby before even this entire commotion, how tf does that even happen

Terrible implications for the future, it's one of those braindead writings in the series. Could have easily had one of the sword members sneak in as they seem a lot more competent, like Helmeppo maybe instead of being a bitchboy?
I like Kid a lot, but boy it's been rough for him recently lol

If you liked him you would know he didn't go there to see Big Mom, he just went, destroyed Snack or Smoothie, took the poneglyph rubbing, and dipped.

It's not like Perona saw Blackbeard, she's asking Koby to free Moria.


If you liked him you would know he didn't go there to see Big Mom, he just went, destroyed Snack or Smoothie, took the poneglyph rubbing, and dipped.

It's not like Perona saw Blackbeard, she's asking Koby to free Moria.
Did you just assess a shitpost meme for story accuracy? My brotha you need to lighten up lol
DFs reveal chapter oh.
So Pizarro is an upgraded Pica? How original mr. Oda...
And Vasco got his ideal DF? Lmao, maybe he's the actual 3rd strongest and will fight Sanji. Zoro vs Absalom 2.0 (Sanji's dream) and Sanji vs Vasco (Zoro's dream DF) :suresure:

Well, and confirmation for Wolf's DF, which was revealed in some SBS from what I remember.
And confirmed that Teach captured Coby because of his status as "Hero" to bargain for smth, in this case for the right of establishing a nation lol. He is taking it easy and chill, and wants to be like goat Doflamingo :steef:

How Sword could stay "hidden" until now if they just casually can pick fights with anyone? Again an invented stuff which comes out of nowhere and does not make any sense (like CP0).

And cmon, how could Perona have reached so easily the island? I mean, once in the island if no one saw here, it makes sense for her to being able to free Moria alone with her hax. But, how did she get to the island and wasn't caught in the act lmao?

Kujaku's DF look ridiculous, but imagine her commanding Pluton or Uranus lmao.

And lmao, if Garp AdCoC is confirmed, Mr.Retcon striked again. Just said this 1 week ago lol.

So basically, Chinjao and Luffy's clash will be actually an AdCoC clash, and even Luffy vs Doflamingo hahaha.
This author really made a mess and is improvising blatantly every time he needs.
And we just saw 3 Yonko fightning and no one created nothing similar at all with AdCoC if what Garp used just now is AdCoC.

P.S: looking bad for Garp. It won't make much sense if he simply can retrieve Coby and go away. So it seems he might be Teach's hypetool. Or, will Oda make again a filler like with Hancock/Rayleigh situation which happened and actually nothing happened? Place your bets boys and girls!