Will Garp die at the end of this arc?

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Dumbass BB said 2 times his goal was not to let Marines take Boa's DF, he said that specifically.

Fighting Rayleigh+Hancock and sacrifice his 2 commanders is a dumb thing to do.

If you have a brain you can understand, but you just want to lowball BB thats why you zkkturd talk shit about BB knowing that BB neg diffs your fav Zolo.

Same reason why Sengoku didn't appear until the last moment of the battle. One of the strongest should appear last. Red Dog didn't want to leave the execution platform as well, first Aokiji Kizaru go.

Neither Shanks was.

Marco attacked BB after 1 years.

Shanks didn't dare to attack BB.

Shanks knows where BB is, Hachinosu.

Shanks went to Wano to protect Wano, not fight BB.

Daquq you think Rayleigh did at Amazon Lily, dafuq Shanks did at Marineford? To stop fighting, not attack him, just stop him and save others.

Rayleigh and Shanks have same mindset, they push their luck vs. BB to stop him, they knew they would lose if BB decides to fight them.

Rayleigh is Admiral level. EoS Zolo will be Admiral level. I was the one saying Shiryu is minimum Admiral level dumbass, lmao.
Dumbass i know your the one saying that. Lol i am saying thats not their limit. WB, Oden, Rayleigh who were all subordinates. Being a Subordinate isn't some cap on your level and Rayleigh is Yonkou/Admiral level in his prime. Also Garp a Subordinate and he was Yonkou Level in his prime so was Sengoku
Who's going to face shiryu? It makes more sense if the one with the best observation out of all the sword members in hacin
I wouldnt even get comfortable with any matchups. Garp/Aokiji is the focus and I doubt Oda spends more than this chapter really highlighting the Fullalead event because BBs commanders (with Aokiji potentially being the exception) are Strawhat fights.
Bro, im a Shanks nut. That doesnt mean you cant acknowledge that Akainu is dangerous as fuck.

He didnt get 2 shot. He got back up and continued to fight and scar Luffy/Jinbe. He also melted half of WBs face in the process so why downplay him?
Nah paper, this is the body language and attitude of a man that just got two shotted was battling to stay conscious:catsure:
I guess you either didn't understand what I said or you wanted to shit on BB and wank Shanks by posting this.

Obviously I meant Oda could off-panel the parts that happened in chapter 1064, instead he choose to show those parts because it looks good for Law. He could stop at 1063 and off-panel the rest. We also didn't see any part from Payback War, just like that.

Zkkturd, when they use chemical weapons or poison, it ignores durability. That's what happened with CC vs Luffy, Yeti Cool brothers vs. Zolo. If you don't believe Yeti brothers can one-shot Zolo again then stfu about it.

We know Magellan got stomped and nearly killed in the second fight. If you think Magellan can randomly one-shot BB, then there is no way for BB to win vs. Magellan later, and there is a reason Shiryu said ''BB underestimated Magellan'', do you know what underestimating is? If one guy is stronger than other, no matter what he does underestimate or not, they can't win. But if 1 guy can beat other but loses due to underestmating his abilities, then that means if he doesn't underestimate he has chance to win, that's what happened later.

We know there was no one left in Impel Down other than BB and his crew, and rest of Level 6 was beat by BB's new crew. So 1 DF BB put Magellan to coma, stop being butthurt about it.

If BB was weaker than Shiryu or that if BB couldn't beat Magellan, Shiryu wouldn't save BB's life, he would escape on his own without needing BB or he would let BB die by poison, save others, and become the captain of BB's crew, Shiryu obviously needed to save BB so BB could beat Magellan, I doubt Shiryu just wanted to be an underling to a guy weaker than him, BB was stronger.
Cry, Lerkan of the shitty headcanons.
Technically him and Mihawk really. I guess also Fuji and Ryo but imo really all 4 are probably going to be saved for the endgame in there own way.

Im glad Oda is focusing on 2 of the 3 OG Admirals first. Im hoping Sengoku also gets involved somewhere eventually.
Mihawk fans at least got hype from the bounty’s chapter

Dragon fans still ain’t even got that yet :(
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