Rayleigh wankes : "shakky was talking about SNs not ussop, but Luffy's statement hypes Rayleigh = Luffy"
How does it hype Rayleigh when Luffy is talking himself + Crew
Not him and SNs

Old Ray >> pre ts SNs
Luffy > Old Ray
Kid + Law > Old Ray
Old Ray wouldn't even push BM /kaido past high diff While Law and Kid can in 2v1 , luffy can 1v1
How does it hype Rayleigh when Luffy is talking himself + Crew
Not him and SNs

Old Ray >> pre ts SNs
Luffy > Old Ray
Kid + Law > Old Ray
Old Ray wouldn't even push BM /kaido past high diff While Law and Kid can in 2v1 , luffy can 1v1