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If G5's heartbeat powers the ancient robot...

Then is it possible that unbeknownst to the Gorosei, there was another Nika between Luffy and Joyboy#1?

The only person who we know for a fact was alive throughout the history of the WG is Imu. And we know Imu leverages the power of the WG to wipe certain events from the WG's history.

"Lulusia never existed"

So when the Gorosei say that Nika hasn't awoken for 800 years, how do we even know that is true? After all, it was only until recently that the Gorosei learned that the gomu gomu no mi was actually the Nika fruit.

What if there was a Nika between Luffy and the first Joyboy. This Nika took the giant robot and led a rebellion against the WG in order to bolster fishman rights. Perhaps this Nika was a fishman. Anyways, Imu defeated this Nika and subsequently wiped his existence from the WG's history. Even the gorosei, who weren't born yet, don't know about him.
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