Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1094 Spoilers Discussion

Why did Saturn transform?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
Do we all (sane people) unanimously agree Kizaru > Luffy? I had Luffy edging it out prior to this expose fest.
I dont know, neither side went all out. So far it looks like its about even with Kizaru having an edge giving that hes still able to fight while Luffy has to restart his G5.
Like Luffy needs Light gloves to attack Kizaru.
So it is a coincidence that Oda showed Light gloves just for it turn out a couple chapters later that one of the arcs antagonist will be a man made of Light just for it to not be relevant like at all?

You guys unironically think that a Robot & Vegapunk stalling Saturn is better.
Yes we don't know either power levels that of Saturn and the ancient robot

When Vegapunk is in his tank falling down. And Saturn is right before Luffy & Kizaru and literally said "Nika..." as soon as he saw Luffy.

If this is the main argument then I wish you good luck.
Luffy said he "always goes all out"
Literally proves my point.

And stop pretending as though Luffy was definitely using advanced CoC this whole time in Egghead, because there hasn't been a single panel that has shown the thick, wavy black lightning to indicate as much
Stop pretending there's any strict rule that Oda follows while presenting CoC. Not once in the manga we were told that 2mm thick black lines are CoC, 1mm thick lines are CoA, and no lines indicate no haki. It is all headcanons. No one can confirm or deny it, yet we can confirm that Luffy is already at his limits
Where are the Gorosei? They're certainly stronger than Guffy. Here's my Top 10 tier list:

1. Imu
2. Nusjuro*
3. Ju Peter*
4. Warcury*
5. Mars*
6. Saturn*
7. Figarland
8. Mihawk
9. Shanks
10. Akainu

* - 2-6 are interchangeable
Saturn will be on my list soon, I need to see the Raws and maybe next chapter to officially place him he will likely start above all YC1
Thats so fucking cap tho, we saw garp using it. Just cope, yah bitch. Also, Luffy used future sight multiple times since WCI it just doesnt have a clear visual cue. Well it does, but Oda doesnt use it that much. That one tike with Apoo when he told Sanji to close his ears...
Getting tilted? :beanmean:

You said it yourself. "It does, but Oda doesn't use it that much."

This now applies only to FS, but not to any other form of haki?
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