Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1106 Spoilers Discussion

Will Kizaru use awakening in the next Chapters?

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They'll meet on the boat if he's here...

He send people, strong poeple to rescue shp. He's in elbaf.

Also, this chapter proves he isn't Hinokizu. Cause if he is, we would have seen the black ship mention.

So Scopper is Hinokizu undoubtedly now
The straw hats are separating this arc. Why do you think the labophase straw hats are still preparing to escape?

And scooper? Gross bros barely canon.
Or simply scale Zoro where he is

Zoro obtained conqueror's coating in Wano, a very rare thing

Zoro is also supposed to fight Mihawk soon

Why wouldn't he have an intermediary opponent in between, between King and Mihawk?

That's outside of the Egghead mirroring Sabaody argument and the Zoro always follows Luffy argument.
When do you think Mihawk fight happens?

cause the z fans majority think it happens AFTER the war against WG. In epilogue.

I personally think it happens before shp find one piece. Maybe in laughtale even.


Lead them to paradise.
Also lmao
Kaidos character got ruined because that retard oda kept having him wanking loden and nika too

Didnt even give him a flashback
Imagine waiting so long for a character like kaido just to have oda fumbling with such a big character like that
After what Oda did to Kaido and Zoro I knew Oda didnt give a fuck anymore, people who started praising Egghead because it was good in the begining forget that Wano was also good when it started and then it went to shit.

Oda will never change bro. Hes an old man now. This is the quality we will be getting from now on, perhaps its going to get even worse as he gets older.


Kitetsu Wanker
You know he can do it. Unlike Luffy.:zosmug:
No matter what much he humiliates him his defeat won’t add anything useful to Zoro cv Lucci is nothing more than worthless fodder
Pretty much, even if he crushes his skull with bare hands like he did to miss Monday, it adds nothing.
Just like nobody was amazed by Kaido crushing Kinemon...
We can make fun of Luffy but we have plenty of material to make fun of Luffy without that.

Whatever make you happy bro.
You either think Kizaru is too weak or Zoro is too strong.
I think Kizaru is the strongest Admiral.
However, if Zoro can one-shot the toughest being in the world, on top of going through his Hardened sword and huge magma dragon, if you dont know that he can one-shot Kizaru, you are bad at power scaling. This is not even about whether he can do it, he 100% can, the question is will Oda do it...
Or simply scale Zoro where he is

Zoro obtained conqueror's coating in Wano, a very rare thing

Zoro is also supposed to fight Mihawk soon

Why wouldn't he have an intermediary opponent in between, between King and Mihawk?

That's outside of the Egghead mirroring Sabaody argument and the Zoro always follows Luffy argument.
Dont waste your time with them pringles, they know full well where zoro seat in power level in the previous arc he beat a yonko right hand who beat another yonko right hand and cut kaido same as oden plus mastered enma. zoro is>=oden in power. they are either trolling or retarded.
Or simply scale Zoro where he is

Zoro obtained conqueror's coating in Wano, a very rare thing

Zoro is also supposed to fight Mihawk soon

Why wouldn't he have an intermediary opponent in between, between King and Mihawk?

That's outside of the Egghead mirroring Sabaody argument and the Zoro always follows Luffy argument.
Zoro would definitely have an intermediary opponent before Mihawk but he said that Zoro would just one shot Kizaru lol. That just makes no sense. He needs to have a stronger opponent because he's miles apart from Mihawk right now
Because the yonko crew can't deal with Kizaru and Saturn.

They're ALL running. not some of them. And not separately.
Yeah that’s why the pacifista and the giants and the ancient robots are all turning on Kizaru and Saturn and the buster call.

They’re not all running, the straw hats in the fabriophase can’t even get to the labophase anymore.
Aye I'm hoping for some epic lore/worldbuilding reveals from them, maybe Oda even doing his own version of Valhalla, the Norse Gods in general, Mjolnir and thus Thor and Odin, since we have "Loki" now too ofc.

Aye thats a great point abou Buccaneers too. Some people think the likes of Whitebeard and Big Mom are half Buccanneer too but I've felt they are half giant for a VERY long time now too. Kaido is an "ancient giant" technically, maybe half ancient giant, half human or so and Oars and Jr are the "true ancient giants"?

I pray Oda is gonna give the giants some kind of massive redemption and finally stop the downplay. They probably won't be better than the Scabbards but the Scabbards are a little underrated too imo.

That moment with Hajrudin vs Machvise is underrated/slept on too imo, Hajrudin was very impressive there for me and Dorry and Broggys destructive power and scale is underestimated as well by a lot of people. Big Mom even copied their technique and then she did a superior version of it with Kaido too ofc.

I really hope we get some top tier giants and that Loki isnt some kind of Spandom/Orochi 2.0. I fear he will be. Another goofy, ridiculous, weak villain when I want him to be cunning and powerful ideally or at least very cunning or powerful, one of those at least and not too goofy but we all know Oda is gonna be as goofy as possible now especially ofc.

Would be dope if Usopp gets a big moment of outsmarting Loki too, becoming the hero of the giants that way too, one supreme trickster vs another lol. This is assuming Loki will be a villain or antagonistic too ofc.

I am so itching to get to Elbaf now, its like how I felt waiting for Wano to start as well as WCI the first Yonko arc. The anticipation is unbearable despite knowing how Oda is gonna write it with his formulas/patterns too lol.
Norse mythology is so cool, I looked up to it and I'm really hyped for Elbaf because of it

What I also love about Elbaf is that it seems to be inspired from Vicky the Viking and that's one of my favorite TV shows as a kid (Oda's too)

Maybe Whitebeard and Big Mom are half Giant and half human and they resemble Buccaneers but they don't share what makes Buccaneers Buccaneers?

I think they will be better than the scabbards tbh.

Oda seems to care too much about the giants, even makes Luffy use a "Giant" form.

If Usopp becomes the hero of the Giants, Oda will redeem his whole character tbh.

I hope Oda gets out of these patterns and "damsel in distress" plot he has used for most arcs and that he removes the focus from Luffy for once.
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