Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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Also, what even is the "element" of the others in that case?

It's pretty clear it's a gimmick. The shp most likley just wont discover what it is here. Cause they are ENDGAME.

If all it took was some ice to beat Ethan, Kuzan would literally neg him lol.
On the ship to Egghead. Saturn wanted Kizaru to ensure that his food wasn’t poisoned.

And well we’ve seen Ethanbarons cold


I have never seen such an inconsistency, first they expected Zoro and Sanji to fight the gorosei, now they claim that the gorosei are owerpowered, this is a pathetic attempt to fudge lmao

Didn't you see them claiming kizaru was overrated last year after the chapter with his first fight vs luffy was released lol?

Till this day, there are individuals crazy enough to claim lucci is stronger than kizaru
This arc is actually amazing for World Government fans.

Gorosei are above the current top tiers.

A heavily conflicted Kizaru outmaneuvered a Yonko twice.

Top CP0 agents can hold their own against a YC1 for an extended period of time.
Yeah WG looking more like endgame
Ain't no way Teach bum ass crew can match the might of the WG lmao. The only non-fodder outside Teach is Kuzan, and the WG have 4 fighters of the same rank lol
It's most likely just gonna be the Perennial youth surgery lol.

Law will probably have a huge part to play against the gorosei.

Since all of them are immortal, i doubt Law would sacrifice himself to undo the immortality. Cause that should only work against one of them.

so, they will have some other weakness.
I dunno, maybe blowing his clothes and even his SCAR away? Kizaru shot a laser in Luffy's mouth and he was throwing that stuff away but this stuff literally hit differently.
I already told you G5 showing gag stuff doesn't mean he wasn't really affected. The perfect example is Kaido yet again.

In order for me to be agenda driven, I'd have to follow an agenda in the first place. Plus, I'm literally a Luffy fan - what purpose should I follow to downplay him? Lol. I ain't rooting for a specific character only because you chose to downplay and nitpick at small details. It's a fact this ACoC feat is, aside of Shanks, the best we've seen so far and it's also a fact this attack affected Luffy.
Explain why Luffy's clothes, scar and face return moments later and he's completely fine? It's because it's his own fucking gag power you dumbass, just like when his eyes pop out of his head

We don't know that it's ACoC first of all, and no, it's nothing even close to Shanks' feat, Luffy is completely fine and didn't react even 1/10th the way Ryokugyu did.
I haven't seen them but I don't expect anything special from him when it comes to bladed combat.
WsW's sword v2.0 at best, IMO.

That would just make it all worse. :crazwhat:
Should have brought just one to not make them lose face...
But the guy is the best in the world at making villains incompetent so...
? I dont think the Gorosei failing makes them at all incompetent lol. Look at what they've shown the last 3 chapters

- Immediate recognition of VPs threat via the message
- Saturn summoning them half way around the world
- Nasujuro taking out half the Pacifistas
- Mars breaking through Labophase to get to the message
- Warcury being a fucking beast
- All of them are just immortal full stop at this time.

If they fail, we all know itll be because the AR prevents them from doing so or the broadcast originally was not in Labophase

This IS how the world starts to revolt against the WG before One Piece is found for sure.
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