Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1113 Spoilers Discussion

Which Gorosei Will Zoro fight?

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IMO the space the water should be occupying is being occupied by "light" itself, which is why Enies Lobby is never dark. Light is constantly pushing the water out of the area, leaving... uh... a hole

Think of the weapon Imu used as firing a continuous attack rather than a single shot.
Enough light to hold up Enies Lobby? That's interesting.

My idea was that the OP world has 2 gravity fields. 1 above ground and 1 underground. When a gateway (like under enies lobby) comes about, anything above it floats. As for the light, I aint got a clue.

This could explain why the compasses always go haywire in certain places. Also how the presence of 2 gravity fields, effects the calm belt. Maybe that's why the red line was made to begin with, so that there can be an ocean current 🤔
Remember that dude that couldn't wait for the anime to show Greencow destroy a completely healed King & Queen?

Remember when he used Sandman's tweets to powerscale? Pizzaru wasn't trying against Rayleigh!
Good old days :willight:
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