Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 975 : "Kinemon's Plan"

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@Buusatan94 , @Jo_Ndule
Im little shocked that the alliance get the news of Bigmom+Kaido in this way, I though they get the news about the alliance would be far better when they enter Onigashima and seeing Big mom. Yet they decide to still start the war, Im not sure much anymore how the fight gonna end, I always though the alliance getting their big L during the war in Onigashima, but im also believe in the past that Katakuri would beat or at least get a draw against Luffy soo... Right now the event go into a full all out war and im not sure anymore if a second war gonna happen or if Oda really decide to beat Kaido already in Onigashima which wouldn´t lead a three round.

Your guys opinion about that?
Unless BM betrays Kaido
Or Admirals arrive
There is no way Kaido falls.
At best Kidd Luffy Law stalemates base Kaido
Definitely a "cool" chapter overall.
Rendering my review for YouTube right now but this is what I have to say for y'all since most of you guys would rather read:

1. Kyoshiro revealing himself as Denjiro was definitely underwhelming. I expected it to be a clutch moment that changed the entire tide of the arc, but it was still okay. I understand why it happened. It wasn't terrible, but it could've been PHENOMENAL, and it was just... OK.

2. Straw Hats NEEDED a spread. We haven't seen the Straw Hats togethet (except Jinbe ofcourse) since chapter 701 in 2013... 7 years since we last saw them all together! You know how long 7 years is! They definitely deserved a spread all together... but it was still pretty cool. Luffy in the coat was great!

3. Kinemon being turned into a gag was HILARIOUS and definitely left me laughing, but it kinda made him seem incompetent. Sure, it's just a gag, but I'm seeing Kin get meme'd and called a trash leader and tbh those insults are definitely not uncalled for. Dude definitely took an L this chapter... I was theorising that perhaps he was playing 4D chess with Kanjuro but nope... he just lucked out. Classic One Piece. I definitely don't really care about this though because it made me laugh xD.

4. Why was Luffy, Kidd and Law's action offscreened!?!?!?! That sucked! At least show us Oda man </3.

Other than that, solid chapter, nothing else I disliked. I'm giving it overall a 6.5/10, average chapter. I loved Kyoshiro slicing the ship in half, everyone looks GREAT, Sanji in gloves looks awesome, Zoro looks.. normal lol, Nami looks GORGEOUS, even Chopper looks cool haha. The port plotline was quite fulfilling, it wasn't as good as I was expecting but still, it went smoothly and made perfect sense.
Break next week.. but still, really excited about next chapter.
There's no such thing as coincidence,
Everything is planned :goatasure:
LOL... but the logic is flawed anyway....
Here is the quote "Luffy's captain coat is very special. It takes 22 years to Luffy wear that captain coat. First chapter was released in 1997 . Also Roger got executed 22 years ago according to one piece time"

Luffy wore a coat TWO TIMES BEFORE... first time after coming back from timeskip in Saboady... Second time was in WCI when they were leaving the territory... he wore a coat and everyone was hyped about it...

Those two alone are enough to debunk this quote.... because they happened BEFORE THIS 22nd year of our present time..

Secondly... if that's not enough... Roger getting excuted HAS NOTHING to do with Luffy wearing a coat... if Oda wants to link Roger execution to a specific monumental event for Luffy... with some numbers/years...etc... It would be Luffy becoming pirate king ORRRR Luffy getting a bounty above Roger....

Those are the ONLY TWO things he would try to manipulate it with... and NOT Luffy wearing a coat after 22 years of Roger execution!

So... the logic is flawed ON SO MANY SIDES ANYWAY

I don't even need to say "coincedence" when it's illogical to begin with... I'm not nitpicking... I aknowledge Oda's ability of planning some shit ahead and playing with numbers and years... but this???

If you were one of SBS interviewers and you told Oda about this and say "you planned it, you're so smart" Oda would basically act just like Kinemon in this chapter with Denjiro LOL
Amazing chapter

It's finally so good to see the Strawhats again after 8+ years

Luffy, Sanji, Franky and Nami and Robin all looking fly I'm loving their new outfits and you also have zeus wearing a samurai hat lol

The misunderstanding with kinemon was fucking hilarious and denjiro thinking it was all his master plan lol

The finally know about the yonkou alliance now no wonder they were do calm before lmao now how they deal with 2 yonkou's is the question lol

The fact that Luffy would casually start.this.round.with Gear 4th leads me to believe he doesn't have the the limit problem anymore and may stills have something up his sleeve.

The obligatory Fuck Orochi and Kanjuro
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