Spoiler One Piece Chapter 977 Spoilers Discussion

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When were you under the impression this game is..
I will tell you why it's not really plot armor/bullshit. He got one-shotted because of his recklessness and weak defense. We know that observation Haki doesn't work well when the user is enraged and not calm. furthermore, If you look at stage 1 advanced armament Haki (emission), you can see how it can be used well enough for defense (Admirals stopping the Gura with it/Sentomaru claiming to have the tightest defense) so I'm willing to bet Luffy can use emission Haki to block Kaido's Kanabo attacks or even shatter it. look at how powerful his emission KKG in Udon was, he casually pulled it out.

You're right, Luffy is much weaker than Kaido physically which further proves that emission/internal destruction which defend/negate Kaido's attack/durability, is the key to cover that massive gap in strength. Although he was physically stronger than Crocodile, Luffy was never meant to be physically stronger than Kaido at all. iirc Oda said during an interview that he doesn't want "Luffy's punch being so strong" to be the method of taking Kaido, rather him emitting his Haki and transferring it into his target which is a more clever way.
Im not saying luffy wont hurt kaido, im saying the damage wont go from 0 damage to big/ a lot. itll be small to moderate damage which will add up. Law is there for a reason by the way, as well as luffy learning fs. Its to dodge kaidos attacks. If he connects,luffy will get one shot the same way he got one shot a few days ago. He seems to have trained armament 2 not 1 which is the barrier thing, so his offense against durable targets his higher but his overall offense is the same. Well a bit higher, since he trained his base stats. So yes, he will harm him, but kaido is a yonko for a godamn reason. The same as how whitebeard was monstruous. We will see why they are called kings of the seas soon enough. I dont believe luffy's allliance will manage to take down kaido. Let alone with big mom now. The marines were shitting their pants at their alliance and were saying that this is the creation of the worst crew in history. You have oda make big mom say that they are going to conquer the world.

Its too much for just a bunch of rookie pirates to take down, the marines will get involved. As well as blackbeard, oda didnt have moriah randomly end up on his island for no reason. Im willing to bet some warlords are coming too( namely hancock and weevil who will follow marco who is sure to show up). This entire saga is called the versus yonko saga, and what better way to end it than having all the old yonko fall. So i think maybe even shanks will show up.

All in all, while luffy made some good progress, i just dont think that he is ready to take down a top tier decisively even with help. Let alone a yonko. And possibly the strongest one at that.


You can't win
they’ll have the biggest party ever after they sent Kaido, Orochi and Big Mom flying and win the battle.
You know shit goes real when Luffy says an antagonist will be sent flying

Big Mom will be taken down in Wano confirmed :finally:
Kid told them to get out of his way and sails on, he says that he’ll take Kaido’s head and decorate his ship’s stem with it.
Lmao at Kid, i'd love to see this :yasu:
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