Spoiler One Piece Chapter 979 Spoilers Discussion

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Kanjuro not flying to Orochi seems hella convenient to me
About Kanjuro didn't warning Kaido and co.
My though is that Kanjuro think one step even above the others.
As we know Kanjuro was sure that the alliance getting clapped by Kaido and his army, so he probably believe that even without the warn, the alliance getting beaten, so he think one step above and search for the last Kozuki, Hiyori. If he can get both, the chance of a new group or something would end and the Kozuki would be dead overall.


Zoro Worshipper
Glad to see Kanjuro is just as incompetent and shitty as a villain as he was when we thought he was an ally...it’s gonna work to the alliance’s advantage that he isn’t reporting their approach to Orochi, and something will happen (maybe Tenguyama or Onimaru will swoop in) to protect Hiyori and Momo. I always knew artists were fucking stupid :smoothieduck:
I still wonder who will face this crazy man

Funny part is everyone is like "oh hey that dude Kanjurou got our young, next-in-the-line Shogun, our leader, captive. Well sucks to be that kid, let's just carrry on our plan and sneak in Kaido's party" without a slightest thoughtt of Kanjuro might or might not inform Kaidou about the raids, which would render any stupid plan that the alliance has even more useless. :kaidowhat:
Glad to see Kanjuro is just as incompetent and shitty as a villain as he was when we thought he was an ally...it’s gonna work to the alliance’s advantage that he isn’t reporting their approach to Orochi, and something will happen (maybe Tenguyama or Onimaru will swoop in) to protect Hiyori and Momo. I always knew artists were fucking stupid :smoothieduck:
All villains suffer from plot induced stupidity sooner or later in One Piece, even if some cases are particulary baffling from Oda's part.
Funny part is everyone is like "oh hey that dude Kanjurou got our young, next-in-the-line Shogun, our leader, captive. Well sucks to be that kid, let's just carrry on our plan and sneak in Kaido's party" without a slightest thoughtt of Kanjuro might or might not inform Kaidou about the raids, which would render any stupid plan that the alliance has even more useless. :kaidowhat:
Yeah, the problem lies on the alliance acting like they know Kanjuro didn't inform Orochi & co.

Formerly Seth

I wonder if Haise Sasaki and Dog's Poo tsk I mean Who's Who are mad on All-Stars cause maybe they were the ones to beat their crews and forced them to work under Kaido.
These spoilers are unbelievably early. I'm just going to dump my thoughts since I probably won't have any for the rest of the week.

It's a very interesting dynamic that Kaido has a crew so hungry to ascend the ladder. Blackbeard has 10 captains, Whitebeard has 16 commanders, so it's really way too many spots to see intense competition like this. But the BP only have three All-Stars up for grabs. The Big Mom pirates do too but they are family and generally the Veterans are very old. You can't really imagine Oven or Perospero being so eager to take over Snack's position since Snack is a 25 year old guy while these guys have had twice his lifetime to take over his post. With Peros having a higher bounty than Snack, he may have already been in those shoes.

These guys are a pack of animals fighting for their place in the hierarchy. A younger crew with a lot more energy. For that reason, I expect they're all Zoans. Because Oda made a design choice to give both the All-Stars and the Tobi Roppo the Ancient Zoan powers, the gap between them is smaller than it appears. Page One could have easily been a regular Zoan to mark a clear line between the ranks as there is between Kaido and the calamities.

This exchange really solidified it. Tobi Roppo gather for the first time in who knows how long, probably since the last Fire Festival, and their topic of interest is who is getting promoted. Sasaki assumed Page One is dropping out because he humiliated himself (resulting in Ulti's WHAT?!) and asks Drake to do the same. He's taking about his membership in the Tobi Roppo, saying "I have no interest" isn't good enough. Why are you even a Tobi Roppo if you aren't interested in getting promoted? That's the entire reason this club exists. Just go back to being a regular Headliner, Drake. Page One still has high hopes for himself.

Fascinating that Who's Who and Sasaki had their own crews back in the day. They are much less willing to bend the knee. We know Yonkos absorb or ally with subordinate New World pirates, but it must be very rare to get such powerful recruits like those two. They must have been super rookies back in their day. Because of that, inflated bounties above 600 million should be expected. You can't really argue they stay home all day like Oven or Daifuku, who have no real interest in making names for themselves. They all look so young too, a match for 28 year old Jack. Certainly absent in Wano 20 years ago. Kaido wants to show them off since Big Mom has likely never even heard of these recent additions.
Thumbs up, mate!!! That's what those threads are actually made for. Keep it going :)
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