Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 986: My Name

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[CITAÇÃO = "Drachenblut, post: 579961, membro: 870"] KAZI Iz Iz beAsT, em um vs VEle SEMPRE GANHA.

Kaido: "merda, eu estou com medo, eles me lembram oden".

Ri muito. Todos finalmente terão que concordar que o kaido é forte. Mas não o mais forte. Esse cara tem muito hype.

Espero que o wano termine rapidamente. Só para que esse hype kaido finalmente termine no fandom. 🤲🙏

E não, as bainhas não derrotam o kaido. Eles talvez nem o arranhem.
A questão é que ele não é um deus da guerra destemido, que quer morrer. NOPE. [/ CITAÇÕES]
kAiDo Iz A beAsT, iN a oNe Vs OnE hE AlWaYs wINS.

Kaido: "shit I'm scared, they remind me of oden".

Lol. Everyone will finally have to agree, that kaido is strong. But not the strongest. That guy has just too much hype.

I hope wano ends quickly. Just so that this kaido hype finally ends within the fandom. 🤲🙏

And no, the scabbards won't defeat kaido. They maybe won't even scratch him.
The point is, he is not a fearless wargod, who wants to die. NOPE.
shut up, noob
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Kaido has traits of '' kindness '', I don't think he's afraid of oden, he just respects it.

MD Zolo

I just think people focus too much on "real death" in a manga written for kids. Yup, Oda has tarnished his own reputation by repeatedly killing and miraculously bringing his characters back to life, so naturally we as the readers are going to be skeptical. At this point, I take his deaths only for face value. If the die, ok cool. If they come back, ok cool. Is it 100% bad writing on his part, absolutely, but it doesn't deter me from the reading the manga in its entirety. So for face value Absalom did die, and if he comes back as a zombie, ok cool :kayneshrug:
There is a difference between an one-off book and a weekly released manga. In book, you kill a character just to create suspense/tear-jerking moment, and bring him/her back in the later chapters, it may impact the reader's enjoyment of the rest of the book.

In weekly released manga, you kill a character and bring him/her back at the end of the arc or next arc, it can't affect the enjoyment of that arc.

So, bad writing or whatever, Oda can revive dead characters and not affect enjoyment of the story in any way.

What the fuck is the context of the original? Cuz that's all sorts of fucked up rn.
Animal sacrifice or Kurbani by Muslims. I was a part of a few of these, it is quite something and that's all that I am gonna say about that.
Realll hype for the next chapter,ohhhh yeaaah its all coming together !!
On a more serious note, the highlight of the episode is clearly the scabbard jumping on kaido, and i would like say that i am extremly intrigue about what the scabbards are felling right now. Their facial expression was really touching but the emotional impact has yet to reach its climate, which i predict will happen next chap, where a tragedy might occurs, thus some thing really worth crying for is going to be put in to lines and curves next chap. Hypeeee


When were you under the impression this game is..
Realll hype for the next chapter,ohhhh yeaaah its all coming together !!
On a more serious note, the highlight of the episode is clearly the scabbard jumping on kaido, and i would like say that i am extremly intrigue about what the scabbards are felling right now. Their facial expression was really touching but the emotional impact has yet to reach its climate, which i predict will happen next chap, where a tragedy might occurs, thus some thing really worth crying for is going to be put in to lines and curves next chap. Hypeeee
The scabbards are about to be destroyed by kaido. It’s chapter 922 all over again.
So, future sight is really something. I think even a Yonko such as BM and Kaido don't have it because they are confident with their indestructible body. But this Calamities are really disappointing me so much, they are strong but not clever. I bet they are just slightly strong then Doffy. Their crazy bounties are only because of their brutalit I guess. But still hope to see them as strong as Katakuri or more (king and queen).

And what ia the point of using a sword to kill Kaido, just wtf, I mean even they are (scabbards) knew if Oden using Enma to hurt Kaido, and they don't even have guts to use Enma. So this is just for building up some emotional situations I think, and Kaido maybe would get some traumatic events like what happened to Big Mom at WCI (mother carmel photo).

I hope next chapter will become really emotional like what editor said. Damn it
After years of abuse, after being handcuffed, chased etc, just before the final assault and just after meeting Luffy Yamato said that she doesn't consider Kaido her father anymore in a comical way, I don't know but this whole moment rubbed me the wrong way : nothing real or deep in this moment and it feels really convienient that its happen just now and just because of the explosives handcuffs.
I felt the same way. It felt so off. I mean, shes trying to act like Oden who has pretty much gave Kaido PTSD, and you expect him not to put exploding handcuffs on
The scabbards are about to be destroyed by kaido. It’s chapter 922 all over again.
Knowing and seeing the rage in their eyes,they probably won't back down before kaido or the last scabbards draw their last breath. And the latter is a much,much more likely to happen. So my guess is that they all die. Die for momosuke just like how oden died for them.
Ohh,if that happens a sentiment similar to the three musketerr might be present. One for all and all for one


When were you under the impression this game is..

with a cleaner page than the spoiler stuff, I can finally say that the look kaido has is that of...surprise, not fear. It’s the same surprise bead wb has when oden jumped him. I think he felt oden in that moment the same way the nine scabbards were channeling him, that’s why he screamed his name. It gave him pause.
And now he’s being pushed by 9 people. This panel is epic af.
So proud of momo and I can’t wait for chapter 987!

@Admiral Lee Hung what did you think of the chapter? I personally grew to respect momo a lot more!
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Knowing and seeing the rage in their eyes,they probably won't back down before kaido or the last scabbards draw their last breath. And the latter is a much,much more likely to happen. So my guess is that they all die. Die for momosuke just like how oden died for them.
Ohh,if that happens a sentiment similar to the three musketerr might be present. One for all and all for one
If they really all die or almost all of deem, wano‘s Lack of dread and tension would be a bit redeemed for me

Formerly Seth

What? Isnt Zoro fighting Gifters? Those guys are fodder bro.... what do you mean they have bounties close to zoro and sanjis? Hopefully your trolling
They said they were captains of their ships with ambitions too before Kaido forces or kaido himself crushed their dreams I don't remember.

I don't believe Pirate captains in the New world can have bounties lower than 150m so gifter former ship Captain with a bounty of 300m is not that far from reality.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Powerscaling aside, I'm disappointed in the Beast Pirates' incompetency. Izo and Nekomamushi should not be able to disarm King and Kaido. That's just absurd.
Was kaido disarmed ? I wasn’t paying attention and even if he did I think him seeing oden as the scabbards were channeling his spirit gave him a pause of surprise, which they capitalized on ofc.
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Chapter was great honestly. Kanjuro is obviously not dead. and i wont blame king for anything, as he was caught completely off guard. YC1 can make mistakes, they are not perfect. 8/10
You gotta think that half the scabbards or more are in the yc range too.
Just read this chapter not long ago. I enjoyed it overall especially the Momo stuff and the final panel.

Hopefully this isn't the end of Orochi and Kanjuro because their deaths are lacking overall substance.

This chapter made me like the Reb Scabbards a little more now.

Luffy and Yamato stuff I enjoy quite a bit. Interested to see what happens with Big Mom in the area with Who's Who and Ulti on their tail.


When were you under the impression this game is..
I love how people ignore Kid (bleeding from mouth) who's supposed to be Number 2 Supernova and jump straight for Zoro
Anti-bias against Marimo is hilarious
Zolo vs 5 gifters kidd vs a whole room of beast pirates. K bro, and who’s smiling there. Oh right kidd, while zolo looks like he’s just had his end of arc fight lmfao :gokulaugh:
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