Look, Sanji hasn't had a 1 on 1 fight since Alabasta. He got oneshotted by Enel, and when he tried to fight Aokiji, he got frozen.
Sanji also didn't fight any CP9 members, Franky did yes, but Sanji struggled against Wanze. His strongest attack, Concasse, barely budged Blueno.
I know people think that Sanji's strong, but let's face it, he's just not cut out for the monster trio anymore. I think that's why Oda's introducing Franky instead. He fought evenly with Luffy, beat a CP9 member already, etc.
Tbh, Sanji's just a cook, so we shouldn't expect too much.
This is exactly how people who argue that Sanji can't face off against a Calamity in the Wano Arc look. No spoilers, express or implied.