I'd love to see you write 994 chapters with absolute perfection over the span of 23 years. You need to take a step back and realise you're being a little fucking toxic and your opinions aren't just abrasive but down right fucking uncalled for. I'm so sick of your shit, I'll deadset get banned from every thread just to make people realise how fucking unappreciative you are
Better take out Oda's dick out your ass.
This is
basic writing skill-
"don't create situations where you have to dumb down your characters in order for it to work"
We have Luffy, Sanji who both can fly. Yet they are running to the top. Luffy went G4 for a number but won't go G4 to reach Kaido in few seconds?
We have Jinbei, who last chapter punched through the levels to get to Luffy and Sanji and yet now he doesn't do that.
We have Robin, who can
easily catch, trip Apoo. Yet she stands there and does jack shit.
We have Kaido spaming Boro breath even after it didn't work first 10 times. For some reason, staying in his useless dragon form.