Who Got More Hype This Chapter

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Zoro is becoming a legend. He has broken every haters main arguments in just one chapter.
Tonfas = cut
Sneak attack = nope, Apoo saw the shit therefore not a sneak
Queen = spooked
X-Drake = shook
Zoro = goat
Zoro having CoC = still plausible
Zoro + chopper = zoro having a personality
Zoro vs Kaido = entirely possible, Zoro even stated he is here to cut Kaido, no doubting that
its insane bro
i love zoro so much


When were you under the impression this game is..
Isn't Zoro just repeating what's said about Kaido essentially.
He still hasn't met Kaido so all he has to go off of is what people say.
Back to square 1.
Cope some more.
Call Zoro a random retard lmao, id love to see people do that. Oh the tears of people struggling between wanking zoro and trying to downplay Kaido will be delicious :ihaha:
Emmm Zoro AP >>>> Kid AP.

Nothing else bud.

Apoo simply couldn't handle the damage.
I agree but things clearly wouldn't go down like that in an actual 1 on 1 fight. Kidd wouldn't simply land Punk Gibson and smash Apoo in a 1 on 1 fight that easily. Just like Zoro wouldn't be able to land his shi shi shi son son move in a fight that easily. Apoo was clearly distracted as we see in the panel. One shotting a supernova is a feat but if people are going to say Zoro vs Killer doesn't count because Killer took advantage of Gyukimaru attacking Zoro then the same has to be said here.
Zoro is becoming a legend. He has broken every haters main arguments in just one chapter.
Tonfas = cut
Sneak attack = nope, Apoo saw the shit therefore not a sneak
Queen = spooked
X-Drake = shook
Zoro = goat
Zoro having CoC = still plausible
Zoro + chopper = zoro having a personality
Zoro vs Kaido = entirely possible, Zoro even stated he is here to cut Kaido, no doubting that
Oda added the cherry on top by wrecking my Sanji with the gifters


When were you under the impression this game is..
Kaido is basically doing Fujitora's move (but larger scale). Fujitora used his DF, so how does this work? What powers does his DF have?
Irc eastern dragons, especially Azure ones were treated as deities and were known to control the weather and elements, basically Kaido is Aang from avatar on a larger scale.

He also has a move in Pirate warriors 4 that can produce Ice. Cant wait to see that as we already saw fire/wind/lightning and now this BS lmfao.
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