What will happen in chapter 1000?

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Well the spoiler mentioned Drake, Marco and Apoo (all of them are on the main stage) so it's safe to say that Zoro will be there
Why is zoro STILL THERE THEN? He said he wanted to stop wasting time last chapter. And now he's in the background of one panel Still wasting time because the ducking plot is now focusing on other things so Zoro just pauses in place waiting for the plot to allow him to do anything
Apoo gets KO'd. The fight is over for Zoro. Do you even know how fights work?

This looks like a Monet situation. Also bringing up the Apoo slash on Zoro, did you even read the panels after? Zoro isn't KO'd.

Honestly I don't get people who don't bother reading the chapters and just follow the story off spoilers
If it doesnt fit their narrative, they change the narrative, facts are irrelevant.

Look at last week. It was Zoro did a sneak attack, Zoro couldn't beat Apoo 1v1

2 chapters prior it was Look how strong Apoo is taking on Zoro and Drake at the same time


Bald Spoiler Provider
The real question is how the fk did Sanji escaped from that weeb. Did he used his flames to burn it? Probably, would those flames work on mochi? Probably, how about ice? Well those flames are rly good power. gotta say. This bring the question if Sanji could have burn the string that Doffly placed on him. Hmm, interesting, maybe this is why this duel was interupted by law.
He didn’t escape lol
The real question is how the fk did Sanji escaped from that weeb. Did he used his flames to burn it? Probably, would those flames work on mochi? Probably, how about ice? Well those flames are rly good power. gotta say. This bring the question if Sanji could have burn the string that Doffly placed on him. Hmm, interesting, maybe this is why this duel was interupted by law.
I now realise that Luffy will be the only to make it to the roof by chapter 1000, and the scabbards will be all defeated. So basically he will be alone against Kaido and Big Mom who will also reach the rooftop by then.

So the legendary chapter 1000 is the legendary next pirate king fighting 2 yonkos by himself, what a fooking legend Luffy is :steef::finally::queenmoji:


Zoro Worshipper
Stop this nonsense, it is the same as you said Doffy could solo the scabbards even though you get massive a L for saying this.
Heh I technically didn't man. The Scabbards did nothing so far. Kinemon is the strongest man and for all we know he is parasite material for Doflamingo. Prove me the opposite bud.
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