One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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I swear if after this chapter someone tells me that portrayal wise Garp wasn't equal to Roger and Whitebeard, then you're just full of Bs.
It was obvious PK isnt really real
Since the gap is tiny between Roger and wb/shiki/Garp/Sengoku.
Juts like the gap between primebeard and kaido/BM is tiny.

People just wank WB and Rogrr as if they will win less than high diff vs current top 5 and past ones.

It took Roger and Garp to take down Rox.
Then Sengoku and Garp to take down Shiki
Then MF Admirals + Teach to take down WB
It will take WorstGen + Navy to take down Kaido.

It is like Rox pirates are super strong... it usually take team effort to beat them.
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Is this real?
Spoilers, romanization for Rox's name, it is

Gol D Locks


You can't win
Garp fought Roger to a standstill multiple times, he even said that. Oda clearly portrayed that between those two, as well as Whitebeard/Roger there was no victor because they were all equal
Once again, they could have done it when they were young. As mentioned, at a period of time, Whitebeard was still in Rox's crew, yet ended up matching Roger afterwards. In East Blue Smoker was a great threat to Luffy, but now many think he is fodder to him. Garp was the oldest of the bunch. He could have fallen behind at one point. Maybe in the future, something else will prove he really was as strong as them, but just saying this to say that this chapter didn't prove anything at all
Once again, they could have done it when they were young. As mentioned, at a period of time, Whitebeard was still in Rox's crew, yet ended up matching Roger afterwards. In East Blue Smoker was a great threat to Luffy, but now many think he is fodder to him. Garp was the oldest of the bunch. He could have fallen behind at one point. Maybe in the future, something else will prove he really was as strong as them, but just saying this to say that this chapter didn't prove anything at all
Disagree, you're putting Prime Garp behind them from the get go with which I heavily disagree with. There's nothing pointing towards Garp being left behind by those two.
You know he became a warlord 10+ years ago right?
His bounty wont reach 1 .5 billion even
Coz he isnt even dangerous as crazy pirates

Mihawk frozen bounty is between 500 - 1.2
Or maybe he has no bounty who knows
Well sure, but Oda chose not to give the old bounties of the Warlords and made sure that they get into another inceident before their bounties are revealed

So as of now the frozen bounties aren't important... The bounties that matter are the ones they get After this initial Warlord man hunt... If Boa fends off the entire Fleet sent after her with the aid of her Nation, she'll get a bounty matching that... If Weevil fends off all the fodder going after him, his bounty might not increase, but if some strong vice admirals are part of that group then his bounty might increase...

And now for Mihawk, if theres only literally fodder after him, then his bounty won't increase... BUt if an admiral is part of the group after him then it gets interesting... If MIhawk destroys over 10 ships, and then beats like five top Vice admirals and then beats an Admiral too all in one incident... Alone... There's no way he can get a bounty below 1.5 billion

So i think it was intentional for Oda not to show any Warlord bounties last chapter because they are gonna be rescaled according to how well each Warlord does to escape thier capture and who they manage to escape from or defeat in the process
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