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✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
T-That's how the game works?

You have reads and you vote based on them. I really fail to see why that's "a lot of risk", please elaborate.
Reason because you created a big pool of 7 people and willing to blast anyone from there. You surely have some of them more iffy than the rest? Or they are same on the level of iffiness? So, won't you use some discretion to decide who goes first?
I hate my life, game has to start at midnight th night before the first day on my new job.

Finally caught up to the thread, the case on Ekko is Hella boring, are you guys all phoning it in?
Why would he make mama scum LOL

Also scum probably have very good fake claims. Characters aren't important. But the fact that you have two strong abilities is.
knowledge of fake claims - being not just good, but very good is a major red flag for me. This is giving me a real feeling that Ekko is not scum here, but that Nat might be.
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