I agree with you 1000000%. One of my close friends was raped last year at 17 by her ex-boyfriend and got pregnant . Her ex-boyfriend was emotionally abusive and she was not in a good place mentally at the time. How could she be expected to raise a child when she didn’t even know how to live her life. She was really fucked up mentally and missing a lot of school. I think it’s wrong to bring a child into the world when you know you can’t provide for it. That should be the real argument here, is it ethical to let someone be born into suffering. The child represents a union between her and the man who took advantage of her. Letting that child survive would serve as a constant reminder of the pain and trauma she went through. Even though she knew that she couldn’t provide for the child, she still tells me getting an abortion is the hardest thing she’s ever done. She wanted to give life to that child, but she did not think it was fair to bring it into the world where she knew it would experience pain. That’s just my opinion on the matter. Obviously my view is very polarized as it happened to a very close friend of mine.
All the best for your friend

Those so called pro life guys should think about what will happen if a woman in her situation is not allowed to get an abortion.
If that were me, I seriously would kill myself.
Or if it's already too late and I'd have to give birth to the child I'd kill first the child and then myself.