@Yo Tan Wa what you think of cinera and flower situation?
I first suspected both Flower n Tac cult members working together.
Then Flower acting Scorn D2 to keep us into thinking she was Fool acting Scorn so to not get lynched.
Bt with so many claims everything messed up. Didn't sus Cinera as much last Night phase, bt since he was inactive today, thought he might be converted last Night, hence quoted hkm to get his opinion. Don't think Cinera used Flower, if he was Fool he would have achived getting Lynched anyway.
Bt Sera n Cinera nw, it could also be Cult relying on sacrificial strategies, Hence Sera could have claimed Butler role.
Problm with all this is Queen gameplay also was unusual rhat would bave cleared Tac as cult. None of the things so far are going in our favoue.
Our Investigative Users are susing each others when they shpuld be sussing major sus, and so many role have been claimed.