[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇
Vote lynch Cobra @Noctis @Rej

I’ll put my vote on him for now since I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to vote today seeing that I will be busy.
Woah woah woah woah. Really doc? Hhhm.
i'm about to tell that ability story, just lemme catch up the 11 unread pages ...

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I think I made it clear why I have zara as confirmed townie and that drago was my second option... Gambit and flower were discussing about their night actions
I get back to this after i catch up ... not trying to stir anyone here by asking questions that had already been answered, i genuinely just woke up, ur majesty :catsweat::catsweat:
Potential sus now is you and Natalija
Why you sus Nat? Why for not going for Tac lynch?
I think a scum wouldn't so openly tell intentions, in this interaction the one who really comes out shady is Kiwi, she Brought Nat despite sussing her.

Just give those posts a reread, frm Kiwi scum perspective, you would get my sus on her.

I also noticed that Kiwi had made no case on anyone, bt Gambit. She first safeguard her by Miller claim, made her case on Gambit soon after Tac give his reads.
Nat is up there in my scum lean too but I think Gambit has a higher chance of flipping scum while Nat is just fluffing and not indicative enough yet for me to go with lynching her
one more point about why I’m not sure about TAC, he didn’t even respond or try to defend himself. He was MIA and posted a video about how he isn’t a crook. Like if he was scum, I feel like he would of said something
Wouldn't he be a bit more interested in scum hunting though? Instead he was satisfied with Gambit and done. :catsweat:
Yeah that’s why he is on the voting table for me. My concern is why didn’t he defend himself?
I say let's leave TACy for tomorrow. He'll be easy to get rid of if he's scum. :catpole:
Ok, so TAC for tomorrow, who for today?
Let's make the lynching player claim before he is Lynched.
@TheAncientCenturion make your defense.
If you are still not able to convince us townies, i want to claim your role in lasr mins.
If I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think we’re gonna catch him in this thread before EoD
After that they go off track.

Later on EoD
Me and Flower trying to lynch Gambit, then NW, then Nat and now back to Gambit maybe

Nat doesn’t want TAC lynched (today at least), she wants NW or Light. NW is really defensive and deflecting, Gambit and Nat are defending eachother (but they said they’re not!), no one else is here to sell me their case
This is what gave me bad vibes.

Now i won't say i am 100% sure on her like i said about Gambit. Like back thn, i see some posts that tells me she is townie, and is genuine here. Bt i think she is also the most suspicious right nw. @Dragomir tell if i am being nitpicky or it's really scummy.

What i think is, she never took the initiative( always asks townies arround her) so she can blame it off on someone else, like she do here. Else why would she trust Nat, one she leans on scum.
This Day phase, she push it on Nat. Bt she is still diplomatic and smart bout it.
Wasn't Nat one of the first people to go after TAC too?

Their interactions didn't seem very buddy like, that's why I think she's good now
Yeah that was definitely weird. But I wouldn't put it past her, she seems to really like keeping TAC alive regardless of his alignment. She tried to save him in ToL when TAC outed himself as serial killer
Now her behavior also feels off and weird.
so you guys were all off with guessing who L was??
But fucking told him that you knew. And now he claimed and you guys were all wrong???

Jesus Town.
Nah, it was obvious in itself. Bt now i can be protected. Maybe you didn't have wanted that.
Poisoning....is that real or perhaps she got DN?
Isn't it obvious, Kiwi chan?
Also the passive thing is wrong. You guys will be sorry for yourselves when you realize I’m telling the truth
Tac said the same.
Lmao. I’ll claim something. I have an active day ability called “Fuck you all”. You’ll be damn sure I’m using it if I’m getting mislynched lmao
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But it should help town...maybe.
First nice, than threat. 😏
You didn't see the flop?

the omgus vote on Gambit, then joining my wagon immediately when it picks up. I think he townread me earlier too (but I'll have to check on that), seems like a wagon vote.
Than vote on Jew.
oh he passed? :seriously:

I don't really trust you guys and your secret passive cult but alright alright.

Btw, you guys said if the people on that list dies, town loses? I hope I'm not on that list then.

Vote RayanOO
Than Rayan.
I feel like you haven't contributed much to town.
Such weak case on Tris, a new player. Not like town Kiwi at all.
I tried, I got the wrong person and now everyone thinks I’m not contributing. And frankly, idc
You guys will know when I get lynched who’s telling the truth
Ok if I call them my scum buddies, will you go vote them?
I rest my case on Kiwi nw.

Tho i want to still make it clear, we can role block her tonight, and by next day phase we would know her flavor name. Confirm allignment of her.
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