[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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why do you guys think tris is innocent but are confident kiwi is scum?

it was a joke, take a deep breathe. this is a silly game at the end of the day
Kiwi is currently being uncooperative and hurting us by refusing to claim and clear herself. I find it very doubtful that she is town at this point but I'm willing to give it a shot.

As for Meg, what she said about her action failing makes me think she's town. I don't see a scum Meg revealing that info for no reason. She's a lot more likely to keep it quiet.


Kiwi, you have zero reason to fear death right now. Why? Because you claim to be vanilla atm. Scum has no obligation to kill a player that can't hurt them with their night actions. Almost everyone here is a bigger threat to scum concerning night actions. Most especially who can give ppl power-ups.

Hell, how about this, I'll protect you myself next night so you won't die. Please claim your character for us.
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I'm fucking begging at this point lol.
Poison looks better since from this post it looks like Tac used her as his fake scum read. He went in on her and even broke down quotes. Definitely was not bussing. I still suspect Poison, but the possibilities are smaller now I admit.
Not on you with this one, yes she could be less suspect as maf, but i still see her scum regardless.

how about you lock me as town, the dude who saved you from getting lynched last DP?
I always told you i'm the best doctor in da world and now i have proved it by saving your ass gambi :p

I actually reread the thread yesterday and I found Natalija sus TAC first and when TAC was about to be voted by some players, she defended him.
nope neutral, regardless of how nat looks, you are the worst looking among all rn. the worst part is that you are lost, even i can see through it.

I can roleblock a target if I correctly guessed his exact flavor. I targeted Fuji because he is one of my prime suspect for keeping that vote on me and for the reasons I just mentioned. I guessed that his character is Teru Mikami. If there's no potential kill then we might have role-crushed the potential successor of Kira himself.
good thing i didn't go for fuji last NP then :D

Then Natalija defended TAC here.
thanks for the hint on nat, you still on top of the list though.

Town will win if we don't reveal the way to victory to the actual mafia
i was quoting this when the disaster happened, too late for that.

btw can mafia win without having to eliminate all players?
hmmmmm, this made you look even worse.

Also, perhaps scum can only kill when they know a person's role, so could be they only have the DN. Which means if we never claim we should be fine
my poor flower, she got killed mysteriously even though she was cautious. i honestly didn't expect they would go for Flower, this ruined my mood thinking we would reach N2 without any townie killed.

That's the same action TAC did yesterday when I was sussing him. Evading the situation and get irritated in return. Can you calm your tits for me pretty please?
Dude, Cobra is a very sensitive case especially in these times, i would give him 60% chance he is scum and 40% chance he is a noob townie player, I don't think my judgement is failing me here.

This can be one of three chances:
1- You are scum and you are faking this with queen, would give it 25% chance.
2- Fuji is somehow immune against this ability and so the result came innocent, 25% chance.
3- You, Queen and the ability you guys used are all genuine and fuji is frankly innocent, 50% chance.
I would give ya the benefit of the doubt since your results would explain my own ability theory even more.

@Kiwipom @RayanOO @Jew D. Boy @Trismegistus @Ali

how do you feel that L has called you out for being scum?
I am, but am I responsible for the way she played? There’s a difference between sussing the player and sussing the role; if y’all have reason to believe Melon is truly scum based on empirical evidence, then you can target me, but I didn’t do anything tangible when that was posted.
Jew, Ma dawg, this one is a bit outta your reach, Melon was already sus enough not to mention last NP no kill for scum, it had something i did to Melon, which only adds more suspcion to the ever pilling suspicion on you/melon role.

Don't really care L, is a poster, he doesn't give reasons, he can be wrong like any of us
the meaning of How one sentence can be true and wrong and the same time ....

@Ali you keep on n on about Tac stuff, in most posts.
and i gave him the final blow too, so it wasn't pointless.

Can someone kindly explain where this NW gangbang is coming from? It kinda reminds me of what happened with gambit yesterday
he's stuck between a rock and a hard place, this is pretty much all he can do at the moment ... this is beacuse of his D1 play, it can't be fixed now even if he wanted. Regardless of his GP, he is scum on many people's lists, including me, he's getting lynched this DP.

Iguana science orange earth shapes?
Finding Humour in these dark times part 2 <3

iso doesnt stand for anything

its short for isolation

as in you isolate a dead scum’s posts to find out who is homies are
when you go Togo Mouri ...

It's ISO means In search of
only to get rekt be Conan ....

With regards to Ali, he came in with a wallie which seemed genuine if you read it and if you had experience playing with him. His town meta always screams especially during scum hunt. I wasn't able to truly focus on that last day because I was all over the place in defending my self to half of the rosters. But looking back, he also butted heads with Reborn/Drago and it's just going round in circus. He was not ready to take a side even though he was confident that I am more townie than the other one leading the tally.
I took your side in the last closing minutes and that's how i got to save you ... i'm so freakin satisfied i pulled that shot and got Light Lynched, i don't even mind scum killin me at this point of personal satisfaction :p

nope, it was Vote manipulation. My doing, Da best Guts save in the world, i'll make sure to post it on that general mafia thread once the game is over :P

And Apologies, i should have done better hiding.
We all have that one flow we can always improve each game passing ...

i thought....it was lanji
Wait for the meme Boi XD


I didn’t see Zara ever get cleared as town, but I’m pretty sure he’s pulling your leg with the Queen thing...
something me and you both agree on, scum :p

bro I can't use the power myself what did you expect me to do?
Maybe choose a more Safe choice townie, like Drago or even Gambi .... or the late Flower ...

cuz im basically vanilla townie at this point
Me too, that's why i'm revealing many stuff atm, all my remaining abilities have back breaking activating conditions which are far from being met...

Isn't this a nerf for the scum? I mean, they should be an informed minority. Unless TAC reveals himself to his follower, they'd know who he is.
possibly ... furthermore the host might have included a spy like ability to one of the townies and can tapewire their conversations .... making Tac revealing himself to his scum buddies even more risky ...


Not on you with this one, yes she could be less suspect as maf, but i still see her scum regardless.

how about you lock me as town, the dude who saved you from getting lynched last DP?
I always told you i'm the best doctor in da world and now i have proved it by saving your ass gambi :p

nope neutral, regardless of how nat looks, you are the worst looking among all rn. the worst part is that you are lost, even i can see through it.

good thing i didn't go for fuji last NP then :D

thanks for the hint on nat, you still on top of the list though.

i was quoting this when the disaster happened, too late for that.

hmmmmm, this made you look even worse.

my poor flower, she got killed mysteriously even though she was cautious. i honestly didn't expect they would go for Flower, this ruined my mood thinking we would reach N2 without any townie killed.

Dude, Cobra is a very sensitive case especially in these times, i would give him 60% chance he is scum and 40% chance he is a noob townie player, I don't think my judgement is failing me here.

This can be one of three chances:
1- You are scum and you are faking this with queen, would give it 25% chance.
2- Fuji is somehow immune against this ability and so the result came innocent, 25% chance.
3- You, Queen and the ability you guys used are all genuine and fuji is frankly innocent, 50% chance.
I would give ya the benefit of the doubt since your results would explain my own ability theory even more.

Jew, Ma dawg, this one is a bit outta your reach, Melon was already sus enough not to mention last NP no kill for scum, it had something i did to Melon, which only adds more suspcion to the ever pilling suspicion on you/melon role.

the meaning of How one sentence can be true and wrong and the same time ....

and i gave him the final blow too, so it wasn't pointless.

he's stuck between a rock and a hard place, this is pretty much all he can do at the moment ... this is beacuse of his D1 play, it can't be fixed now even if he wanted. Regardless of his GP, he is scum on many people's lists, including me, he's getting lynched this DP.

Finding Humour in these dark times part 2 <3

when you go Togo Mouri ...

only to get rekt be Conan ....

I took your side in the last closing minutes and that's how i got to save you ... i'm so freakin satisfied i pulled that shot and got Light Lynched, i don't even mind scum killin me at this point of personal satisfaction :p

nope, it was Vote manipulation. My doing, Da best Guts save in the world, i'll make sure to post it on that general mafia thread once the game is over :P

We all have that one flow we can always improve each game passing ...

Wait for the meme Boi XD


something me and you both agree on, scum :p

Maybe choose a more Safe choice townie, like Drago or even Gambi .... or the late Flower ...

Me too, that's why i'm revealing many stuff atm, all my remaining abilities have back breaking activating conditions which are far from being met...

possibly ... furthermore the host might have included a spy like ability to one of the townies and can tapewire their conversations .... making Tac revealing himself to his scum buddies even more risky ...
Yeah I tried to change my play since getting strong townie made me target for NK in previous games.

Cop and tracker can check me. TAC is Godfather so I'm not invest immune.


Ghost Princess
Kiwi, you have zero reason to fear death right now. Why? Because you claim to be vanilla atm. Scum has no obligation to kill a player that can't hurt them with their night actions. Almost everyone here is a bigger threat to scum concerning night actions. Most especially who can give ppl power-ups.

Hell, how about this, I'll protect you myself next night so you won't die. Please claim your character for us.
Post automatically merged:

I'm fucking begging at this point lol.
But I don't wanna die :pepehands:
If I'm gonna die, I want to die by the hands of @Zara my love (I'll send you chocolate from my deathbed <3)
This can be one of three chances:
1- You are scum and you are faking this with queen, would give it 25% chance.
2- Fuji is somehow immune against this ability and so the result came innocent, 25% chance.
3- You, Queen and the ability you guys used are all genuine and fuji is frankly innocent, 50% chance.
I would give ya the benefit of the doubt since your results would explain my own ability theory even more.
scum isn't even supposed to know each other, how can zara be faking this with me, I wonder

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Not on you with this one, yes she could be less suspect as maf, but i still see her scum regardless.

how about you lock me as town, the dude who saved you from getting lynched last DP?
I always told you i'm the best doctor in da world and now i have proved it by saving your ass gambi :p

nope neutral, regardless of how nat looks, you are the worst looking among all rn. the worst part is that you are lost, even i can see through it.

good thing i didn't go for fuji last NP then :D

thanks for the hint on nat, you still on top of the list though.

i was quoting this when the disaster happened, too late for that.

hmmmmm, this made you look even worse.

my poor flower, she got killed mysteriously even though she was cautious. i honestly didn't expect they would go for Flower, this ruined my mood thinking we would reach N2 without any townie killed.

Dude, Cobra is a very sensitive case especially in these times, i would give him 60% chance he is scum and 40% chance he is a noob townie player, I don't think my judgement is failing me here.

This can be one of three chances:
1- You are scum and you are faking this with queen, would give it 25% chance.
2- Fuji is somehow immune against this ability and so the result came innocent, 25% chance.
3- You, Queen and the ability you guys used are all genuine and fuji is frankly innocent, 50% chance.
I would give ya the benefit of the doubt since your results would explain my own ability theory even more.

Jew, Ma dawg, this one is a bit outta your reach, Melon was already sus enough not to mention last NP no kill for scum, it had something i did to Melon, which only adds more suspcion to the ever pilling suspicion on you/melon role.

the meaning of How one sentence can be true and wrong and the same time ....

and i gave him the final blow too, so it wasn't pointless.

he's stuck between a rock and a hard place, this is pretty much all he can do at the moment ... this is beacuse of his D1 play, it can't be fixed now even if he wanted. Regardless of his GP, he is scum on many people's lists, including me, he's getting lynched this DP.

Finding Humour in these dark times part 2 <3

when you go Togo Mouri ...

only to get rekt be Conan ....

I took your side in the last closing minutes and that's how i got to save you ... i'm so freakin satisfied i pulled that shot and got Light Lynched, i don't even mind scum killin me at this point of personal satisfaction :p

nope, it was Vote manipulation. My doing, Da best Guts save in the world, i'll make sure to post it on that general mafia thread once the game is over :P

We all have that one flow we can always improve each game passing ...

Wait for the meme Boi XD


something me and you both agree on, scum :p

Maybe choose a more Safe choice townie, like Drago or even Gambi .... or the late Flower ...

Me too, that's why i'm revealing many stuff atm, all my remaining abilities have back breaking activating conditions which are far from being met...

possibly ... furthermore the host might have included a spy like ability to one of the townies and can tapewire their conversations .... making Tac revealing himself to his scum buddies even more risky ...
My man, the post of mine you quoted was not my response to the question. I said this:
Well, he hasn’t called ME scum...but honestly, based on the way she was posting yesterday, I get the vague sus on Melon. I anticipate clearing myself of any lingering suspicions on her, so it doesn’t worry me. I’m also a little wary of Kiwi and Rayan, the latter more than the former.
indicating that I understood the sus on Melon because of how she was playing (and look, @Kiwipom, I even mentioned you as making me uneasy way before the wagon vote you’ve alleged I made). I’ve committed my own missteps in the interim, which I’ve also admitted, but it’s weak to sus a different player in the same role because of stuff done by the original occupant of that spot. Feel free to respond at your leisure, but I’m going to bed so I won’t see it until tomorrow morning.
I’m sure I’m town, yeah.
Nope far chance of that happening.

gambit was a more safe choice townie?
i said drago, or even gambit ... like if you take a vote on who's more town right now between zara and gambi, most would say gambi ... including me. so yeah. and don't ignore the drago part please, i hate it when i have to highlight something for the sake of another player not INTENTONALLY ignoring a part of a post.

Yeah I tried to change my play since getting strong townie made me target for NK in previous games.

Cop and tracker can check me. TAC is Godfather so I'm not invest immune.
the thing is, we have two players who claim themselves town who already checked you and the results returned guilty for u ...
right @Queen @Zara ?


Nope far chance of that happening.

i said drago, or even gambit ... like if you take a vote on who's more town right now between zara and gambi, most would say gambi ... including me. so yeah. and don't ignore the drago part please, i hate it when i have to highlight something for the sake of another player not INTENTONALLY ignoring a part of a post.

the thing is, we have two players who claim themselves town who already checked you and the results returned guilty for u ...
right @Queen @Zara ?
They're fishing for my reaction. You can ask them.
I even mentioned you as making me uneasy way before the wagon vote you’ve alleged I made). I’ve committed my own missteps in the interim, which I’ve also admitted, but it’s weak to sus a different player in the same role because of stuff done by the original occupant of that spot. Feel free to respond at your leisure, but I’m going to bed so I won’t see it until tomorrow morning.
I just woke up from a tiring night .... Good night bud.
also, when you wake up, i'll be giving you a chance to prove what i'm thinking about you is wrong.

What's that I hear? My Cobra slip theory has more credibility now?
Y'all need to see my exchange with Cobra. He slipped there many times.
As much as I don’t care for the way he goes about it, after skimming through D1 and what we have so far today, I think Gambit is town. He’s a dick, but still town.

He was sussing Neutral super hard (as were several others), so I checked him out as well...found a lot of suspicious stuff - inconsistent reads and votes all of the first day, slightly bigger reactions than usual - but nothing concrete. Seeing him and Gambit come to an understanding earlier today has me leaning town on Neutral, even though I saved a bunch of his quotes that painted him as scum before I began typing this out.

Kiwi’s pretty weird to me now that Gambit looks better in my eyes; the miller thing never really got resolved, her big case against Gambit/dropping it in semi-support of TAC who jumped on the first thing right away, and she’s been generally insubstantial most of today. Drago’s making some good points against her as well the last couple of pages, but I was getting that vibe from her before I saw his now. There’s a strong case against Cobs as well, but he’s usually a clueless townie, so I’m not all the way there on him. Kiwi knows better and is still coming off kinda strange.

Vote Lynch Kiwi @Noctis
I'm town and I don't have that passive. This is dumb.
Don't lynch Cobra over this.

Ok sure, but I'm not claiming.

Drago...I'm disappointed. But again, I'm not claiming.

Oh, jumping onto my wagon now after Gambit called you out?
Your initial post was asking if we'd like your claim after you pull the Miller
nope, it was Vote manipulation. My doing, Da best Guts save in the world, i'll make sure to post it on that general mafia thread once the game is over :P
Woah woah woah woah. Really doc? Hhhm.
Nope far chance of that happening.

i said drago, or even gambit ... like if you take a vote on who's more town right now between zara and gambi, most would say gambi ... including me. so yeah. and don't ignore the drago part please, i hate it when i have to highlight something for the sake of another player not INTENTONALLY ignoring a part of a post.

the thing is, we have two players who claim themselves town who already checked you and the results returned guilty for u ...
right @Queen @Zara ?
I think I made it clear why I have zara as confirmed townie and that drago was my second option... Gambit and flower were discussing about their night actions
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