[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Well, he hasn’t called ME scum...but honestly, based on the way she was posting yesterday, I get the vague sus on Melon. I anticipate clearing myself of any lingering suspicions on her, so it doesn’t worry me. I’m also a little wary of Kiwi and Rayan, the latter more than the former.
a-are you not mel’s replacement?


Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
a-are you not mel’s replacement?

I am, but am I responsible for the way she played? There’s a difference between sussing the player and sussing the role; if y’all have reason to believe Melon is truly scum based on empirical evidence, then you can target me, but I didn’t do anything tangible when that was posted.


@Dragomir you still want my claim.

I have valuable information.
Well, seeing how Zara got innocent on Fuji now, what are your thoughts on him? It seems that you were scum reading him, right?
TAC is Godfather and he's invest immune. SO I asked cop and investigator to check me didn't make me Godfather/invest immune hence why I'm townie.
That's just bad logic, dawg. You could have easily just been bluffing. It's not that hard and I've seen it happen multiple times. I hate how you immediately try to use Tac being GF as a way to clear yourself. Almost like you anticipated his flip.
Meh NW, you don't sound town to me.

@Dragomir What do you think about the L notes, and are all mafia members innocent when investigated or is it just TACy in this case?
I'ma reread them. I pretty much skimmed through them. It's definitely just Tac. We're not having two Godfathers. The only other scum to invest innocent will be the Serial Killer.

@Dragomir come here I want to talk with you

What's up?
Come to question, thn

@Dragomir you are okay with this?
I don't know what's going on tbh.
btw can mafia win without having to eliminate all players? i heard that some games have another objective
Yes, they can. By reaching majority they will win the game.


That's just bad logic, dawg. You could have easily just been bluffing. It's not that hard and I've seen it happen multiple times. I hate how you immediately try to use Tac being GF as a way to clear yourself. Almost like you anticipated his flip.
I wasn't bluffing. I Was confident cop would find me innocent. So TAC being Godfather doesn't make me invest immune.
meh I feel like L is as clueless as the rest of us tbh
don't think he would be able to have evidences against 5 players in d2 lol
he was right about kira getting caught yesterday, though
I quoted all important posts.
That’s an odd coincidence. I’m just trying to read you a bit, but you’re not making it easy.
Never got the notification, my bad should have checked regardless. I’ll read the pages soon ...
NeutralWatcher — He's pretty straight forward as a townie. Isn't saying much but has tried to stay on topic the entire game. Off his meta, I'm saying he's leaning town.
Rayan — His arguments with Fuji didn't amount to anything. He just insulted Fuji's picks / opinions on town but I don't recall seeing Rayan put anything of value in place or discuss anything. He popped in for that, and that's is. Pointless argument.
Mel — She's all fluff and some misunderstood points. Specifically at me, I recall her trying to "get me" when I took the ⅃ claim seriously. Overall gives me a negative feeling.
you should be shot
So you're saying it's not natural but it's according to his meta?

Ok, explain to me what is Gambit's town meta. I've never played with him as town before so I'm interested
Lol no

I’m 100% town😏

I’m still half asleep and skimmed through most of the pages

I have to read them again to come up with something
For now, she is neutral for me
TAC- I've got some problems with him lol. So, I didn't really like that he just jumped on Zara because he asked a genuine question about the setup. But later he said that his pushing was for reaction and some other stuff. So I give him that.

He also said that he likes betraying people but he is good. Like why would you say that? lol He mentioned multiple times that he plays always scummy and that is normal for him. I'm not really convinced by this, I have to say. I only played one game with him before and he was killed D1 but from judging that short experience, I think he MIGHT be scum but I'm not entirely sure yet. Since in that game he was co-operative/helpful etc. and he flipped scum. So this might be the case this time too since he has been answering questions etc
So, my sus list not in order:



The only reason I clarified with TAC being neutral for me was because up to that point his posts and defense against Gambit was good in my opinion, but I wasn't going to town clear him for that, and since it's TAC. Thus, I put him in the neutral but explained why.
TAC - HS: obvious why I categorize him as being highly suspicious but something interesting to say is that when gambi told him it was suspicious of him and Zara for wanting a counter claim from the real L he thought it would be a good idea to reply to this by saying “Jokingly claiming L role is a bad move From gambit“ and he does not trust him being a townie for this reason ... IMO, He wanted to reduce town’s attention on Gumbi’s words who was accusing TAC for the last six pages but TAC only found a breather in the last page (14) by this small argument and he made it his main points argument against gambi. I find this As being pushed in a tight corner and hanging on to the only hop
At some point, I thought TAC is the closest for me to vote on, but after Kiwi’s Post, I did not feel the same.
Same, Kiwi’s post had some kind of magic in it that made me sus TAC less :catblush:
The only reason why I don’t see TAC as sus as I had seen him before, is because Kiwi’s post got the man who accused TAC -> “Gambi” in a tight situation. I still won’t give TAC a townish pass just yet though.
Me neither but he is less sus now

My top suspects are:




@TheAncientCenturion @Zara

You two scum buddying? You two were against each other and now you're on the same side.

I did read em Tac, i quoted you all back as well, bt i think you didn't get notified due to merged posts. Not just you, bt everyone engaged there.

Given L is most important role, its also expected they would want it confirmed or try to root out the real one, by calling Gambit the Real L. Your posts are on edge doing this same thing, along with Zara n Melon.

You really saying you fall for Gambit claim? Despite him saying he didn't say which L he was in very next post, bt here you were calling him L, confirmed townie.

It's good thing Real L didn't counterclaim. He shouldn't.
I think this is TAC's scum list

Rayan — His arguments with Fuji didn't amount to anything. He just insulted Fuji's picks / opinions on town but I don't recall seeing Rayan put anything of value in place or discuss anything. He popped in for that, and that's is. Pointless argument.

Gambit — Feels like he's blowing up my commentary about Zara or Queen into something way too large and nitpicking. I think my thoughts are clear on his posts. Paper thin and substanceless.

Mel — She's all fluff and some misunderstood points. Specifically at me, I recall her trying to "get me" when I took the ⅃ claim seriously. Overall gives me a negative feeling.

Poison — So, pleasant person to converse with. She seems nice. She has talked a lot and said literally nothing. She obsesses over game rules, then asks pretty benign questions that doesn't advance the game or gleam info from people. She's just floating around. My memory of her posts were of Poison being active and talking/questioning, so I didn't bother to think negatively of her.

But later he sus Yo Tan Wa and Kiwipom.

And also sus Reborn.

Didn't do anything to push the case on Rayan, Gambit, Melontonin and Poison who he thought sus.
Neutral is not Mafia!!!
Haha seriously ? You either didn't read my post or you are bad faith or scum. You never mentioned me in all of your reads and just like that I became a scummy target that did no contribution ?

If you remember wellI did some case against you no ? And I don't think I am the only one who noticed that you played in a funny way.

And show me where I "insulted" Fuji picks. I strongly disagreed with him about his reads but I don't remember saying things inappropriate.

No problem if you suss me because I didn't vote on anyone or if I don't push someone hard enough. But what you said was quite weak and weird.
Do you mean this post? Do you read them as town or scum?
@NeutralWatcher sorry i am stupid I thought it was your list but you talked about TAC list sorry....
Rayan don't give no reads on Tac. When Neutral posts Tac reads of Rayam, he is offended bt don't persue when he is told they were Tac reads. Nothing. The reaction also is off.
And Note:- Tac avoided giving reads on Rayan twice before finally giving it in list.
I might have missed this, what did you think about Gambit?

Nat is up there in my scum lean too but I think Gambit has a higher chance of flipping scum while Nat is just fluffing and not indicative enough yet for me to go with lynching her
On the TAC and Gambit stuff, I think both of them are scums. So I'm fine with lynching the two
Her reads are not bad per say. Bt on Tac, i find her reads weird. Almost like what she did last game phase with her scum buddies.
I barely read. My sus were nat/Zara and yo tan/light. NW town. Gambit null, TAC scum leaning.
Tac scum leaning but don't cast vote. She is less sus, based on their interactions.
I townread Flower
one more point about why I’m not sure about TAC, he didn’t even respond or try to defend himself. He was MIA and posted a video about how he isn’t a crook. Like if he was scum, I feel like he would of said something
If you mean your case vs TAC, I already said I was going for TAC but dropped the entire thing after Kiwi’s post,
@Ali you keep on n on about Tac stuff, in most posts.
say let's leave TACy for tomorrow. He'll be easy to get rid of if he's scum. :catpole:
Ok, so TAC for tomorrow, who for today?
If I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think we’re gonna catch him in this thread before EoD
I would rather lynch the less obvious ones like NW, Zara, Queen, Light.

Poison's reaction right now told me that she isn't scum, otherwise she wouldn't forget about us. :milaugh:
Queen and NW I understand but

How is Zara and Light the obvious ones?
Again, why is Light a safe lynch?

(Are you trying to kick him out of the mafia game so he can go rest without distraction? 😂 )
I think NW. Nat is more helpful atm, TAC is missing, Gambit seems alright to me now

I’m a bit skeptical about Poison because of how she automatically hinted at her role etc

Vote Lynch Neutralwatcher
To be fair I didn't have time to check all the pages I miss today, I lurked a bit but didn't have time (or the energy) to really put myself into the game, so my reads are still from yesterday. I just saw the part with Drago and Flower being "mansons".

So I don't think my vote here will be quite fair and normal. My principal suss yesterday were Melon and NW. But I didn't really checked the whole Gambit situation so voting against him now with any arguments is not really the best idea haha (if I do that Drago will shoot a bullet into my ass).

So I don't know : I either put a vote on Mel or NW or didn't vote for this DP.
Go for NW. As the person who started the Gambit case, I says we switch to NW.
Not really fond of lynching NW tbh. But I feel one of Gambit and NW is scum for sure given their argument.

Why not...

Vote NW.

But that one vote won't hurt her so I just left it on her

How I saw, she did pretty much nothing but fluff post and questioned a little NW but that's it
Oh?????? How so? I figured it was probably innocent, otherwise she'd play more carefully.

Previously I thought TAC and her are perfect scum buddies.
Me and Flower trying to lynch Gambit, then NW, then Nat and now back to Gambit maybe

Nat doesn’t want TAC lynched (today at least), she wants NW or Light. NW is really defensive and deflecting, Gambit and Nat are defending eachother (but they said they’re not!), no one else is here to sell me their case
Kiwi sussed Nat before. She is putting it as Nat decided so. Bt hiding she followed it blindly.
I wasn't expecting this lmao

My primary sus is Kiwi. She only targeted Gambit, no one else. No scum hunting. Half her replies are diplomatic, she is half convinced on Tac and consider natalija sus bt wants to Lynch as per her choice? She doesn't take initiative like a townie do but ask others, and I read most of her posts as deflecting from Tac at the end of day phase.
She make case on Gambit, and save herself with Miller claim.
Only point in her favour is, her composure is like her townie self.

I already explained Rayan.
Tris n Melon reads of Tac feels different than others.

I have limited posts per day. Read these well. Make what you can of it.
That's the same action TAC did yesterday when I was sussing him. Evading the situation and get irritated in return. Can you calm your tits for me pretty please?

Who are your suspects?
so? tac gets annoyed with i get annoyed with you that makes me scum?

i asked nat what was the clue zara because i didn’t know what the clue was why wouldn’t a town want to know a clue that helps mafia? isn’t this normal?

i’m calm but you don’t seem so because you jumped on me right after flower said she tracked after you saying you used your ability you wanted to deflect your fear so you jumped on the closet chance
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