[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 10 - Antagonists Vs Protagonists

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Well your sus points are quiet obvious if you read that iso on me. Half the stuff is made up especially d1 stuff. I only voted flower because light wanted to confirm somthing, I had invited and voted tobi ( anyone is free to verify it) my vote was not counted I don't know why. I was also the 1st person to vote tobi, unless you think I was bussing my team mate d1.

Also if anything d1 you are the one that wanted to lynch flower and d2 you also buddied with cal and tac. These are all highly suspicious. And that when cal flipped you saw an opportunity to lynch flower so you tunnels her.

Also your iso abou me and Ussop is wrong, I said I have played with 4 players here before.

I know how they play Ussop might have improved a little but I can still read him.
You know what, I was planning on being sarcastic here, but I'll get you a real reply at some point. I do feel bad for you with the Wolf team being in absolutely SHAMBLES.


What could have been...
i said everything in one post. that counts as 1 claim

but sanji>zoro probably took the 2nd and hes now claiming invisible to writeups too

totally not sus


Cope Doctor
i said everything in one post. that counts as 1 claim

but sanji>zoro probably took the 2nd and hes now claiming invisible to writeups too

totally not sus
I hope it doesnt count as claim, im noob and said ''seems'', maybe I should have explained better at that sentance that im not that good at reading


Cope Doctor
calling me sus at this point would only make you sus since you would only do that to cover your own ass... im no threat neither to scum nor to town
Todays Breaking News !! At Z city villains are going wild and have started attack blindly . In Inhabitant Zone, Someone transformed into their final form, attacked their pray with energy beam and killed them on the Spot.
Skilled summoned electric bolt from the sky and attack their target.
At Z Police Station, A young man was seen writing a name of criminal in a record.
In a laboratory, A Young Man was seen writing something and analyzing documents.
A Crapped apartment building , the strongest invite their friend to play video game.
Suddenly Survivor appeared and attack someone killed them on the spot.

When Night 6 Ended ,
@Ryu Kishi was found dead ! His role was
You are Sakazuki (Akainu ) :

"Justice is absolute ! No forgiveness for those who oppose it"

You are Sakazuki also known as a Grim and the member of Town.
Win Condition : Eliminate all threats to town.

Another dead body was found , they were identify as @anon ! And their role was
Naruto Uzumaki

“I'm the Hidden Leaf Hero: Naruto Uzumaki !
You are Naruto Uzumaki also known as Prankster and the member of Town.
Win Condition : Eliminate all threats to Town.

Cycle 6 Battlefield : York new City

Players :
@Ekkologix @Cray Cray @Marimo_420 @Dr_Professor83 @SanjiIsStrongerThanZolo @Destroya @Ryu @Light D Lamperouge @Wris

Day 7 Starts !
Like what are the chances Ryu actually was a Death Miller. I just refuse to believe that his game play, his night activity, his lynch being vetoed, and then him flipping Akainu which definitely is not a protagonist, I just call bull shit everywhere.
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