Why are you getting so jumpy now Mango? All I've said that is that we know that, which is a fact. You trying to fish out the sheriff/paladin is a bad move. We need them to be able to invest and not make them the targets of conversion. So we don't need them to out themselves yet.
Why are you getting so jumpy now Mango? All I've said that is that we know that, which is a fact. You trying to fish out the sheriff/paladin is a bad move. We need them to be able to invest and not make them the targets of conversion. So we don't need them to out themselves yet.
Because I didn't know this, and apparently everyone else know, I just interpreteded it as dismissive.
And also partly because I'm low on bloodsugar, so I probably have to go get something to eat
You don't have a game ending wincon from what you claim so if you're willing to help BD we can let you stick around. Seems like you already did, based on what you said about Lind. But you're gonna have to be more transparent.
Well tbf most people have already played this, maybe 2-3 haven't and aren't aware, but they can use the wiki. It's fine tho, just don't try to search for them. We need them to be able to properly do their jobs. They should stay hidden unless we are completely screwed and have no idea what's going on or they have a result they cannot communicate in any other way.
If that's so you didn't watch what Pein did but you watched him. In normal mafia terms it means you were a watcher not a tracker. What you did was watch T-Pein. Did anyone come to him?
Hmm. Well scum would probably stay away from him, they wouldn't wanna convert him, of course if he wasn't scum from the start, but I find it odd no one else checked him in any other way.
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