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Look I know you don’t want to do this but you gotta read other games where Flower was town, she is usually just like that, she probably voted lind cuz she thinks she knows him too well, which is right she played around 728390 games with him and she hosted games where he was a player, he can’t hide from her

He is just paranoid about Lanji, like literally all his reads are based on things regarding Lanji,
Guts telling me Ratchet, but Ratchet was drunk and I seriously need to sleep now so not today

@Naomi what do you think of Flower and Ratchet?
@T-Pein™ why did you suspect Naomi again?

good night
ratchet, not much posting looks like fluff, also gambit going down on meter of third. flower looked ok first day phase to me imo. with her questions etc, looked like town flower. though have seen her afk while scum. but she busy so i'll take that into consideration and look back at her behavior which looks town so far to me atm.


What could have been...
no idea how you can clear knight with his interaction with lind but on the same hand not clear udell? i think linds response and interaction with knight is barely anything yet you clear knight and then linds response and interaction with udell and tpein are fairly similar yet you clear one and not the other
the grouping was done weirdly on my part

i think tpein and udell cannot be, but sakura and lanji can be. knight interaction could be both, but honestly leaning more toward knight not being in the same faction as lind, but in no way cleared since there is 99% chance of another faction

[???] activated [KFP]
[???] activated [Cheering] on [???]
[???] activated [Beginning from Zero] on [???]
[???] activated [Pata Pata Sensors] on [???]
[???] activated [Artist] on [???]
[???] activated [#TAKOTIME]
[???] activated [Friend!] on [???]

[???] activated [Heal] on [???]
[???] activated [AsaCoco] on [???]
[???] activated [PC repair service] on [???]
[???] activated [Red Heart] on [???]
[???] activated [Ricky] on [???]
[???] activated [3D Watame]
[???] activated ["Marry me Senpai!"] on [???]
[???] activated [Mogu Mogu]
[???] activated [Ground Pound]

[???] activated [Press F to Pay Respects] on [???]
[???] activated [Sololive]
[???] activated [Haachama Phone] on [???]

[???] activated [Apex Predator] on [???]
looks like sky has a chance,i see heal.

[???] activated ["Marry me Senpai!"] on [???]

[???] activated [Ground Pound] attack move
[???] activated [Press F to Pay Respects] on [???] --sounds like scum move
[???] activated [Apex Predator] on [???] other attack move

those are the possible three attacks, from the way they are described.

A kill on [???] has failed!
A kill on [???] has failed!
Lindltaylor [Ayunda Risu] has been killed!
Define "immediately". Because I feel you're just being vague without evidence to support your read.
you are free to iso flower and then tell me what you think but im not being vague on purpose/ flower voted lind said they could go for an ekko lynch then gave three town reads in a sort period of time in what i considered their opening posts since the first three posts flower made were about how they werent going to be around
the grouping was done weirdly on my part

i think tpein and udell cannot be, but sakura and lanji can be. knight interaction could be both, but honestly leaning more toward knight not being in the same faction as lind, but in no way cleared since there is 99% chance of another faction
okay this i agree with though i havent read tpeins isos yet

udell i think feels safeish but if we get a confirmation that there is a second mafia faction in the game this read has to be disregarded

sakura i dont think ive isoed but thatll probably be my next one and then i think maybe ill be able to make a case

i really dont think lanji is wolf

looks like sky has a chance,i see heal.



[???] activated [Ground Pound] attack move
[???] activated [Press F to Pay Respects] on [???] --sounds like scum move
[???] activated [Apex Predator] on [???] other attack move

those are the possible three attacks, from the way they are described.

A kill on [???] has failed!
A kill on [???] has failed!
Lindltaylor [Ayunda Risu] has been killed!
how is this a helpful post?
reading back.

also this activity. Darn you nova for backing out!! :lusalty:

slight sus of typo. but he doing better then the 4

final beta
-last game when he was town, i remember he was more active as town.
Lanji-seems less interesting, is the impression, but makes observation on some post or avoids.
Typo, looks to be aiming to town leader is the impression.
Flower, looks smug at lind death..makes me think she town.
Udell,i wanted to believe he town but he probably third...he less agressive then remember when he scum hunts.
gambit, imo he scum or third :sanjimeh:

rest null, i noticed some people seem to try to read me like they know me, lololol. to bad i'm town. :pepecafe:
Want to explain your very performed defensiveness of a player you knew would flip town sooner rather than later?
Because you 're twisting what I posted into something that fits your narrative? I was talking about your way of thinking that he was sitting coyly on info, and saying I can't see what he was doing as anti-town.

No defending him or calling him town or shit like that. You need to review what defending is and not agreeing with a line of thought.



Sky > Lanji Cucksmoke > - > Lanji Cucksmoke
Flower > The Destoryer > Ekkologix
Hayumi > The Destoryer
Finalbeta > Lanji Cucksmoke
T-Pein > Lanji Cucksmoke
TheKnightOfTheSea > Lanji Cucksmoke
BleakAsh > Finalbeta
Natalija > T-Pein
insomnia > Ekkologix
Ekkologix > SakuraMikoNWord
Juliet > SakuraMikoNWord
The Destoryer > Flower

Lanji Cucksmoke: 4 (Sky, Finalbeta, T-Pein, TheKnightOfTheSea)
SakuraMikoNWord: 2 (Ekkologix, Juliet)
Ekkologix: 2 (Flower, insomnia)
The Destoryer: 1 (Hayumi)
Finalbeta: 1 (BleakAsh)
T-Pein: 1 (Natalija)
Flower: 1 (The Destoryer)

Let me know if I have missed any vote

Lmao Destoryer is grasping at straws to paint me as scum.

@The Destoryer before I address any of your weak points, how about you explain why you buddied with Lind and defended him? I'm waiting.
go read the conversation again he initiated the conversation and buddied with me/ i said that i had someone in the chat that i suspect and then he asked me who and i said you and thats when he said that he agreed with me/ and where did i defend him?
are you always this toxic as a player or is this a new thing youre trying? youve approached me with nothing but aggression and zero response to my case when ive been nothing but polite and waited for a response
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