Questions & Mysteries So why didn’t the WG catch Luffy sooner?

Elite ninjas who couldn't counter obito or zetsu's powers even if they wanted to. They could've taken and hidden him some places until they needed him lol. Plot saved him.
Obito's kamui has 5 minute limit according to konan and obito didnt deny it, he cant just go and fight everybody even in war he had 6 path of jinchuriki and tailed beasts plus rinnegan powers still needed madara and 10 tails, stop it obito Alone couldnt do shit vs konoha especially against young Hiruzen. Keep in mind obito himself is young too.
Shanks couldn't shit, if they sent their full force of soldiers after luffy and Garp is the government's dog. Luffy is under his protection as Ace was and we all know how that went
Thats why im saying lets wait and see.... shanks also stopped kaido there is so much we dont know about shanks
Possibilities I can think:

1. Shanks was secretly protecting Luffy and SHP.

2. The WG didn't know Nika had a rubber body until Shanks told them.

3. The WG did know Nika had a rubber body but are just plain dumb. They could've sent a strong cp0 agent to eliminate all SHP pre-skip, when they were still weak that the monster trio has to combine their efforts just to kill a weakling pacifista. One or two strong agents would've been enough.

4. Fuck Logic. -Oda (Plot)

Well, they tried, they just couldn’t.

The first the Gorosei are aware of him is after Alabasta. Luffy gies shooting up to Skypiea after that.

Then Aokiji goes hunting him down. He says that’s he’s always paid attention to Luffy (probably because he’s Garp’s grandson) and he’s frightened of his potential. He could have captured Luffy if he wanted, but didn’t.

Then they strike the deal with Robin that she comes in exchange for the Strawhats freedom. Would they have been better just capturing them both, yes. Here’s where it’s important that Luffy is not the only person who has eaten the Gomu Gomu since Joy Boy. If there has been eight hundred years worth of ‘failed’ GG eaters, then it makes sense he’s not a huge priority and they chose to focus on Robin instead.

If there hasn’t been, horrible mistake.

EL finishes, again, Garp and Kuzan don’t do their jobs. Luffy escapes to Thriller Bark, Kuma, again, does not do his job.

Saobody, Kizaru does do his job, but Ray and Kuma get in the way.

ID and Marineford, they try to kill Luffy, doesn’t work. Vanishes for two years. Resurfaces again, in PH Smoker tries to hunt Luffy down but works with him instead. Also couldn’t actually capture Luffy if he wanted to.

Appears on Dressrosa, if Fujitora does his job he’s captured. Instead he… does not.

Then Zou and WCI, out of WG aim, and Wano, where the legendary Mr Go finally has the chance to intervene.

So this is not one of the areas where I’m overly bothered with the reveal. Luffy’s escaped mostly because of Admirals not being mindless slaves to the World Gov (do they even know about Nika) and powerful people protecting him when he was weaker. The only wrinkle is W7 where they chose to focus on Robin instead of him, that can only be explained by them

-not knowing Luffy had the fruit (possible, but makes them incompetent)
-knowing, but not caring because many others have eaten it over the years.

Oda really needs to go for the second option.
its clearly a plothole tbh


Zoro Worshipper
Apparently the Government was supposed to have acknowledged about it since centuries but still at least apparently didn't instruct the Marines and the Government guys better so at this stage nothing makes much sense.

Oda entered a stage of meta physics :josad:

But I mean I hope Shanks didn't talk about Luffy, but Teach, since I don't see much spiral to talk about Luffy and it don't feeling like a betrayal, cause the attention should have been more on Luffy who was already facing the contrivancies of the NW.
its clearly a plothole tbh
I think that there’s room left for it not to be a plothole.

But it does require Oda to really expand on the Gorosei’s motivations and knowledge, and for the Gomu Gomu to have had countless users over the centuries and that’s why they were so blasé about it.

If the only two users are Joy Boy and Luffy then it’s an unquestionably disaster of a plothole.
The first point in the story we can say "there's no way they don't know he's the gomu gomu man now" is Enies Lobby, and decent enough excuses can be made for every arc after that

You also have to remember that it's likely that the gorosei themselves are the only ones who actually know the dangers the fruit represents, and if they overplay their hand they risk letting others know too
Remember that post war, Luffy and Rayleigh reappeared in Marineford to ring the bell. So they knew he was alive.
But they don't know where Luffy was. It is not as if Luffy was the only thing World government or Marines had to deal with. Luffy went off grid for 2 years. World government didn't catch Rayleigh eventhough they know he was more or less their at saboady.
Lmao stop Garp is Strong and all but he cant do shit against WG alone or even with aokiji, thats why SWORD exists
Yeah sure but dont forget the God Valley incident. WG owes Garp big time else why would they keep a D Clan Member so close to them. Also Aokiji safed luffy numerous times and held reports back for the allies after enies lobby so that they wouldnt be hunted. Also Shanks i think might also have played a role here, i mean theoretically Mihawk could have ended them all back in Baratie but he was impressed by Zoro and also remembered what Shanks told him about Luffy. So many people played a Role in protecting luffy, is it still a loophole? Sure but only because we have no proper explanation yet. Yeah go send off your strongest guys after luffy and meanwhile other pirate groups use their abscense to attack Pangea Castle and what not? Or the revos idk.

Luffy faced Admirals, Marines, Shichibukai, Other Pirates, Bounty Hunters, CP-9, CP-0, Impel Down, WG Armies, Yonko ... etc
I don't think it's WG or Gorosei Fault if no one is able to capture Straw Hats Pirates (Definitively, not just Temporary Capture)
I think none in the Marines or the Cipher Pols knows the threat of his Fruit since the Gorosei seemed to have kept that knowledge to themselfs and also them realizing "it was this fruit" that they changed its name long ago. The question is if it was them 5 who did that 800 years enough for them to forget such threat? Or if it wasn't them who did it back then. That means Shanks is the one who opened their eyes on Luffy and the fruit... why? I am so curios to know how this situation will be handled. Oda never writes something so vaguely without any story behind it so for now the mystery is a mystery for some unknown reason.

Also the possibility of multiple Gum Gum fruits that works the same is still valid i think.

One last thing. Them saying "no one been able to awaken the fruit in 800 years" might been the reason that they knew about Luffy having the fruit and ignoring him all this time. But again Shanks might have said something too.

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Remember that post war, Luffy and Rayleigh reappeared in Marineford to ring the bell. So they knew he was alive.
True, I misremembered, but the hiding/protection from Rayleigh still stands.
Post automatically merged:

Anyway In 1037 from their dialogue the Gorosei weren't even sure that the gomu gomu no mi was really the mythical fruit and were arguing it through and solidifying their THEORY.
So any time pre 1037 wouldn't have the same weight and impetus from the marines to kill Luffy.
- Alabasta Luffy evaded the Marines

- Sky pia.. Marines couldn't do a thing aboit it

-W7/EL Aokiji Owed Garp his life.. and the Luffy and the crew hustled through it.. ghe peak of SHP was also emphasized there

-TB Kuma violated orders to bring Luffy back (the demand was there already IMU has his poster for a reason) and he used whatever conscience he had left to spare Luffy coz he was drgon's son

-Sabaody Luffy was about to get caught but didn't even tho he was mentally distraught.. Oda used this opportunity to introduce Rayleigh and Kuma again to save Luffy

- MF.. the whole WB pirates and WB HIMSELF saved Luffy multiple times.. and RHP were introduced to end the war

-Post TS.. in the NW Marines underestimated Luffy.. they escaped

-FMI Marines couldn't knwo he's there

-PH doesn't even show up on the log pose.

- DR introduced us to unbias justice of Fujitora


--WANO... you know..

so the demands for Luffy was already there.. Marines were just that fooled and SHP's evaded them

oda is a genius when it comes to using Plot armour for legitimate reasons and introduces other aspects of the story to create more plots..

everything makes perfect sense NAT..