Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Oda's goal with Egghead is to show that the strawhats crew are indeed a crew of emperor, two emperor ro be precise.

Yonko Luffy and Enou Zoro, two supreme kings.

@Lor D. Coast you always draw attention on the fact that Jimbei is fat like most YC2 of other crew its because Jimbei is in fact the YC2 of the strawhtas crew , Sanji is the YC1 like the others he doesnt have ad coc, he has very strong fire like marco and is a speeder.

zoro is an outlier, he is co captain wilth luffy.

The strawhats crew is a crew of two emperors/Kings.
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I wonder how they became rivals.

My theory is that Mihawk killed Shanks' father Pinshanks, and after that he also bullied his captain into suicide (Roger chose to turn himself in rather than fight Mihawk) Shanks wanted to avenge them, but in the end he ultimately failed too. That would make 3 generations of PK tier swordsmen which fell victim to the Godhawk.
Guys I think the suke awakening is making the enviroment invisible so when zoro fights Shiryu he won't be able to see nothing is fighting in a desert area
Oda's goal with Egghead is to show that the strawhats crew are indeed a crew of emperor, two emperor ro be precise.

Yonko Luffy and Enou Zoro, two supreme kings.

@Lor D. Coast you always draw attention on the fact that Jimbei is fat like most YC2 of other crew its because Jimbei is in fact the YC2 of the strawhtas crew , Sanji is the YC1 like the others he doesnt have ad coc, he has very strong fire like marco and is a speeder.

zoro is an outlier, he is co captain wilth luffy.

The strawhats crew is a crew of two emperors/Kings.
Well funny fact woro has parallels with legends aka roger Shanks mihawk kaido wb half of them swordsmen/hakimen drinkers destructive power honor in fights dumb and funny gags.... :goyea:
the only partners/rhm that he looks alike are rayleigh and "Oden"and this arc has proved that the relation between luffy and zoro is more than rhm/captain is more partnership kid/killer lucci/kaku shirohige/Oden