Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Kitetsu Wanker

How many of you believe zoro will permanent damage (not defeat but damage which won't heal on it's own) any elder at egghead and why?!
It's way too early to destroy their hype.
Even without permanent damage, their stocks arent looking too good.
Extremely incompetent, relying on size and regeneration, being slapped around left and right by everyone.

My guess is Zoro wont interact with any Elder on Egghead.
Kizaru is the only one who can cross Zoro's pass to send him into retirement.
He has served his purpose, can be 1-shotted now.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
He needs to interact with one first. The way Oda has been writing Zoro is beyond lazy, people have been fighting for months and the fighter of the crew is the only one not fighting. :hapnoel:
It's way too early to destroy their hype.
Even without permanent damage, their stocks arent looking too good.
Extremely incompetent, relying on size and regeneration, being slapped around left and right by everyone.

My guess is Zoro wont interact with any Elder on Egghead.
Kizaru is the only one who can cross Zoro's pass to send him into retirement.
He has served his purpose, can be 1-shotted now.
I do believe Zoro will interaction with atleast one elder.

There are 5 of them there so I refuse to believe oda will not draw zoro facing any one of them.

However, I don't think zoro will do permanently damage. What doesn't make sense is why oda hasn't made Zoro face them at all?

Everyone did except Zoro. Why oda is holding zoro back?
I would lower my expectations with zoro fighting a gorosei their target is stopping the transmision and they're not going to fall this arc
Loda is just so ass my conclusion is because him and Jinbe have more level than the rest of the crewmates + they didn't do shit this arc and that scene was to protect robin or zoro is related with them because of demons and hell furthermore if mother flame is green
Anyways what's the explanation from him and Jinbe been 3 chapters missing this writting goes from bad to worst and can't wait LOda angels going after zoro this arc :suresure:
Realistically why aren't we getting zoro slashing warcury in half? Why is no fun allowed in this manga? What's the point of not referencing the only other boar plotline in the manga? Yet again another odour L:willight:
Lorotard post
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My lil sister just said zoro could kill goofy and take the money after he got 30 millions:finally:
Lorotards are so cringe:whitepress: