Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Obviously. But BB will definitely top it though and Shanks' crew has promise. Basically, any Yonkou crew that was stupid/brave enough to challenge WG/Marines is good.
agree on that.
honestly by the time BB's crew get into serious action on panel, we might not even have yonko by then. at least 1 is going down no yonko anymore.
its not just yonko. BMP and BP are the 2 most Dysfunctional and hilariously incompetent group of ppl i have ever seen. and YES that includes their cap and ALL of their subordinate too. Oven/Daifuku/Perospero/Kata wasnt much better than their awesome sis Best YC "cant get past Door" Smoothie:whitepress:
she at least has thiccness going for her:catlewd::catlewd:
Zoro looking badass... per usual
Grandmaster has to put real effort to look bad.
what i find hilarious is ppls complaining about Zoro still not whoopin all the fodders in front of him and to a much much lesser degree Kid+killer too:pepeanger:
while they are forgetting that Zoro/kid/killer are stuck in the same place due to narrative limitation on Oda's part. Oda isnt that good with so many char and have trouble with transitioning them in stories and segments.
Luffy isnt froze in his place due to his subplot with yamato is still going. Zoro/kid/killer will be stuck in their scene until the other players are in their position:pepemwai:
if Oda wanted to keep zoro/kid/killer moving through the narrative at a constant pace then we would have way too many jump cuts in the story that will show other char's progress too in the raid. and it will surely confuse the readers:pepeke:
imagine every panel is showing different groups and what they are doing:ihaha:
u will need to solve puzzles and mazes just to know what is happening:risicheck:
Grandmaster has to put real effort to look bad.
what i find hilarious is ppls complaining about Zoro still not whoopin all the fodders in front of him and to a much much lesser degree Kid+killer too:pepeanger:
while they are forgetting that Zoro/kid/killer are stuck in the same place due to narrative limitation on Oda's part. Oda isnt that good with so many char and have trouble with transitioning them in stories and segments.
Luffy isnt froze in his place due to his subplot with yamato is still going. Zoro/kid/killer will be stuck in their scene until the other players are in their position:pepemwai:
if Oda wanted to keep zoro/kid/killer moving through the narrative at a constant pace then we would have way too many jump cuts in the story that will show other char's progress too in the raid. and it will surely confuse the readers:pepeke:
imagine every panel is showing different groups and what they are doing:ihaha:
u will need to solve puzzles and mazes just to know what is happening:risicheck:
They're saving him, Kidd and Law for the main performance
kaido also lost his weapon even tho he's supposed to be the strongest in beast pirate. Why do people keep missing this?
i mean i can actually see Izo being one of the strongest member of WBP after the strongest 4. and despite haki and other abilities not being fleshed out, decade old showings of WBP still remains at the very top in my opinion.
i mean i have
1. yet to see a YC as hyped as Ace(this guy had more hype than the fucking MC)
2. yet to see a YC good enough to hold his own against Top Tiers as Marco
3. yet to see a YC having physical raw strength as good as Jozu. only high tier so far to bleed a top tier logia. only high tier on panel that blocked a super slash from Yoru. mind u outside of top tier we dont have anyone that stopped an attack of that magnitude so casually.
4. yet to see a YC half as skilled as Vista. meme vista all u want, this guys showing embarrasses guys like Smoothie and cracker the so called "swordsman of BMP"

granted what Marco and Jozu accomplished at MF is largely due to their DF. but can we blame them? the admirals are too strong with way too broken offense and defense. being able to hang with them when they wants u dead is pretty crazy feats to pull offf imo.

compared to what WBP was up against in MF, BMP and BP have likey the most disappointing YC as a group.
YC "Cant get past the Door" Smoothie> should i even need to mention her showings?:suresure:
YC "cant take a single hit" Cracker> Mind u outside of his one trick pony he is absolutely shit. have we even seen hardening from Cracker? dont get me wrong i think he has it. But Oda not showing it means Mangaka doesnt care for him that much. i can go on but this guys has really bad portrayal:kayneshrug:
YC "the dragdown" Jack> couldnt react to a one fucking ton dude charging against him. got his wep broken casually and got ripped open a new one right after that. dude is basically a glorified Meatshield. :kriwhat:
and sad part is: did jack used haki?> if not than his reaction is super trash. if yes then the situation is even worse. his wep got broken when he used armament:gokulaugh:
just because he is YC and part of Yonko crew he doesnt get shitted. ppl wank the shit out of yonkos. and to wank the yonko they fap their subordinate too.
remember Sanji and his leg agaisnt Vergo? Jack getting his weapon broken is infinitely worse than that. and this guy is suppose to be a YC?
imagine for a sec that same thing happen to Zoro? forget about shutenmaru, if even Fuji back in Dressrosa pulled that off Zoro will become a eternal clown to the fandom.
why i am mentioning these stuffs? SH specially Zoro/Sanji gets shitted for much trival things compared to the members of YC and Yonko themselves:kata:

so IMO King losing his wep to Izo is infinitely better than Kaido losing wep to a crippled cat.
King>>>Izo at best

so guys for desert: try imagining Zoro got disarmed and weapon broken mid serious fight in Wano
TLDR: yonko and their crew gets away with pretty much everything and we hold SHP responsible even the trival stuffs.

This part is pure Meme:
Luffy suffered an epic and humilating defeat in Sabondy> Lost his full crew>get his ass kicked in Impel down> lost decade+ of lifespan> experienced the biggest war> lost the only brother in fact only person he could call family> brother died shielding him cuz he too weak> got ptsd due to Akainu> bounced back and started training> had one of the best guy u could ask for as teacher>was called a fighting genius>defeated Dofla in a team effort> take down the most influential black market ring leader and his empire of crime> has the biggest fleet barred the yonko>defeated Cracker solo> did an uphill battle against kata> started developing FS>managed to pull of a questionable win> have FS>bounty+influence so massive that ppl are hailing him as the up and coming emperor> showed interest in barrier Haki> managed to learn Penetration haki in like a week time> currently one of the only 2 known Penetration haki user>one of the only 2 guy with snyc between their COA and df(kata and luffy) for now>can use flame pattern haki n g4 that only BM and kata(only in diced mochi) showed so far>can use casually G4 now>still growing at a rapid speed as we speak

Conclusion: kid and Law is his rival. Kid is equal or stronger than him(yes their are genius who believe that). Law is in his league too:ihaha::ihaha:
so Luffy went through all of that but the other pirates are getting a free pass? CUZ they have fanbase that wanks them:kayneshrug: and wants their fav to equal the Rubber Jesus:mihanha:
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MD Zolo


Every bit of all the little things that we've known about him so far is enough for me to like him.
We barely know anything about him other than power-level related things. And that is only that he protected Wano from pirates and WG.

I don't see how that is enough to put him above a plethora of OP characters.

Anyway, there can be no wrong answer when it comes to naming favorite characters I guess.
We barely know anything about him other than power-level related things. And that is only that he protected Wano from pirates and WG.

I don't see how that is enough to put him above a plethora of OP characters.

Anyway, there can be no wrong answer when it comes to naming favorite characters I guess.
His design, legends, and all of the mysteries still surrounding him that yet to be revealed are enough for me to like him.