Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Kitetsu Wanker
We could spend hours talking about power levels, and we would probably agree with each other. But portrayal wise, just as Oda finally placed Zoro where his dream demands him to be, facing the strongest, shining alongside Luffy(if not more), he now relegated him right back on Sanji and the others' realm, a clear step below Luffy.
Zoro went from saying "I am here to take Kaido's head" to "Luffy will win" in a minute and I hate this.
It is a complete mystery to me where this Sanji insecurity comes from among the Zoro fans...
It's like fans of Shanks would complain that he is in the same panel with Buggy-sencho.
It is a complete mystery to me where this Sanji insecurity comes from among the Zoro fans...
It's like fans of Shanks would complain that he is in the same panel with Buggy-sencho.
Nah Sanji has nothing to do with this, you did not understand my point. I ve asked for opinions, because mine is that Oda is clearly being dragged by his fandom. He created a character who is not the mc with ambition of becoming the strongest, he makes him saying such as "they say Kaido is the strongest, I am here to take his head" just to some chapters after make him fight another opponent less powerful and less important giving full trust to Luffy in defeating the strongest. This is either Oda not knowing where he is going with his story either him being influenced by his audience feedbacks. To me, Oda is trying to please both fandoms, haters and stans, but this comes at the cost of his narrative.
If you are okay with Zoro the Luffy's cheerleader fine, but I am out of this. Atm Zoro>Luffy is total headcannon.
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Any opinion on why Oda in the moment when it looked like he finally canonically decided to show the audience that Zoro is on Luffy's level he brought him right back on Sanji's? We can deny it as much as we want, atm just as he made Zoro being compared with Luffy he is now making him being compared with Sanji and this is the first time it happened since time skip.
It’s not a matter of strength.
Zoro can be compared with his captain, he’s the Vice Captain and can take his position when it’s needed. Zoro is also a leader/conqueror and his aim is also being on the top. Being PK and being WSS are two dreams related to strength, ambition and reaching the top of the world (Being the PK is more difficult according to Mihawk though). Zoro is part of the WG and also one of the leaders of the next Gen. He was able to protect his captain against Kaido and Big Mom and wasn’t just a support character but also someone who could damage two Yonkos in some way like his captain. I always say that Luffy and Zoro play in the same league, that doesn’t mean Luffy = Zoro.

Zoro fulfilled his role on the roof and now he will fulfil his role under the roof and fight against the strongest member of Kaido.
Zoro and Sanji are Luffy‘s strongest members and they will fight Kaido‘s strongest members. They don’t play in the same league or something like that. Luffy and Zoro were compared with each other because they actively fought the same foe. Zoro and Sanji fight against different foes. Zoro and Sanji are his "wings" but Zoro has still a special position within the crew. Sanji is Luffy’s Gaban and Zoro is his Rayleigh. Rayleigh was also called a King, the "Dark King". Luffy and Zoro will also be Kings.


Kitetsu Wanker
Nah Sanji has nothing to do with this, you did not understand my point. I ve asked for opinions, because mine is that Oda is clearly being dragged by his fandom. He created a character who is not the mc with ambition of becoming the strongest, he makes him saying such as "they say Kaido is the strongest, I am here to take his head" just to some chapters after make him fight another opponent less powerful and less important giving full trust to Luffy in defeating the strongest. This is either Oda not knowing where he is going with his story either him being influenced by his audience feedbacks. To me, Oda is trying to please both fandoms, haters and stans, but this comes at the cost of his narrative.
If you are okay with Zoro the Luffy's cheerleader fine, but I am out of this. Atm Zoro>Luffy is total headcannon.
Oda isnt influenced by anyone, he is going towards what he wanted from the start.
He has allowed Zoro to take a piece of the strongest in the world and has taken him away from him so Momotaro parallel can happen.
King cant be defeated by anyone other than Zoro and Zoro conveniently came where King was.

I think it has nothing to do with fandoms but with Oda trying to draw parallels to many things.
Zoro has never been Luffy's cheerleader, he clearly has shown far superior feats than anyone else in the world.
Can Luffy stop island buster from two Emperors or give a permament injury to Kaido? Total headcanon so far.

And do I really need to point out that Zoro is going back after Kaido once he is done with King?
If you go pecking order here's how you can look at it

Luffy and Zoro have panels to compare
Zoro and Sanji have panels to compare

Luffy and Sanji DONT have panels

It's like Rayleigh Scopper. Yeah they are 2,3 but it's clear Rayleigh is by far and way far more notorious, it'll be the same thing with Zoro. The parallels are there

Same with King and Queen, King is right hand man of Kaido and far more notorious than Queen in his own right

Zoro and Sanji compare, it's clear Zoro is far more notorious in his own right. It took Sanji being a Vinsmoke (not on his own doing) to have a bounty 10 million berries higher than Zoro

When you really look at the big picture it's clear to see the obvious
Oda isnt influenced by anyone, he is going towards what he wanted from the start.
He has allowed Zoro to take a piece of the strongest in the world and has taken him away from him so Momotaro parallel can happen.
King cant be defeated by anyone other than Zoro and Zoro conveniently came where King was.

I think it has nothing to do with fandoms but with Oda trying to draw parallels to many things.
Zoro has never been Luffy's cheerleader, he clearly has shown far superior feats than anyone else in the world.
Can Luffy stop island buster from two Emperors or give a permament injury to Kaido? Total headcanon so far.

And do I really need to point out that Zoro is going back after Kaido once he is done with King?
Do you believe in Zoro religiously? Genuinely curious
Oda isnt influenced by anyone, he is going towards what he wanted from the start.
He has allowed Zoro to take a piece of the strongest in the world and has taken him away from him so Momotaro parallel can happen.
King cant be defeated by anyone other than Zoro and Zoro conveniently came where King was.

I think it has nothing to do with fandoms but with Oda trying to draw parallels to many things.
Zoro has never been Luffy's cheerleader, he clearly has shown far superior feats than anyone else in the world.
Can Luffy stop island buster from two Emperors or give a permament injury to Kaido? Total headcanon so far.

And do I really need to point out that Zoro is going back after Kaido once he is done with King?
I love your love for Zoro
How can he have fullfilled his role on the roof, his dream is becoming the strongest, to be the strongest you gotta beat the strongest. Putting your faith in someone else mean that you rate him above yourself.
Well pheraps is just my headcannons, pheraps it really was Oda's set up since the start. Pheraps Mihawk and Zoro are really the only swordsmen in a world of hakimen and that Zoro's dream is as plain as just surpassing Mihawk and nothing more.


Kitetsu Wanker
How can he have fullfilled his role on the roof, his dream is becoming the strongest, to be the strongest you gotta beat the strongest. Putting your faith in someone else mean that you rate him above yourself.
Well pheraps is just my headcannons, pheraps it really was Oda's set up since the start. Pheraps Mihawk and Zoro are really the only swordsmen in a world of hakimen and that Zoro's dream is as plain as just surpassing Mihawk and nothing more.
I have to send you to haki training camps. :goyea:
Zoro still has unfinished business with Kaido he did plenty already while he was fighting up there on the roof until
now he is the one who inflicted most damage to him Sanji fans making fuss about them fighting back to back means nothing Zoro has racked up a lot of feats Sanji won't even get close to replicate.
King is also said to be leader of the calamities right hand man of Kaido man has even higher bounty than Marco there is no way Queen is his equal that is just Sanji fans coping when they spout that nonsense.
Panels like these show who is really in charge, the one who was being leader when things got out of hand was also King every f6 member showing complete obedience don't let the salty Sanji fans get to you they are too desperate
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Kitetsu wank is over the top tho
Kitetsu’s are wasted potential. Oda is sometimes an absolute idiot. Creating a new sword like Enma was unnecessary. Kitetsu II should’ve been Oden‘s second sword. The Oni Slayer Sword.
Here was my theory:
800 years ago, the Kozuki Clan was a clan full of master craftsman and the Shimotsuki Clan was a clan full of master swordsman. The Kozuki ruled over Wano and the Shimotsuki Clan were the leaders of the military force and were the protectors of the Kozuki. The Shimotsuki Clan had two bothers. One was a noble and strict Samurai -> the ancestor of Yasuie and the other was a ruthless and rebellious Ronin -> ancestor of Ryuma and Zoro. Many Samurai followed his life style and they created a place without any nobles and rules -> Kuri. They were known as the demons of Wano.
At some time a war between the Oni’s from Onigashima and the samurai of Wano happened. Kitetsu, a ronin and craftsman from Kuri created Kitetsu I and gave it to Zoro’s ancestor. He slayed a lot of Oni’s during this war and the Kitetsu was drained in their blood and it became a cursed sword because their souls were sealed inside. Some Oni’s fled -> Kaido’s ancestors and some stayed in Wano -> Black Maria’s ancestors.
The lost souls of the fallen Oni’s curse every wielder, they only obey someone with a strong demonic aura like Zoro. The manifestation of Zoro’s aura is Ashura. Zoro killing Kaido would’ve been way cooler
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One of his ancestors could’ve been the Oni slayer Musashi and the other one could’ve been Ryuma the Dragon Slayer. Ruthless thugs with no destiny shit, ronin who train day and night and manifest their will into their swords. They even changed their family name into Roronoa because they got disinherited by the Shimotsuki
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Kitetsu’s are wasted potential. Oda is sometimes an absolute idiot. Creating a new sword like Enma was unnecessary. Kitetsu II should’ve been Oden‘s second sword. The Oni Slayer Sword.
Here was my theory:
800 years ago, the Kozuki Clan was a clan full of master craftsman and the Shimotsuki Clan was a clan full of master swordsman. The Kozuki ruled over Wano and the Shimotsuki Clan were the leaders of the military force and were the protectors of the Kozuki. The Shimotsuki Clan had two bothers. One was a noble and strict Samurai -> the ancestor of Yasuie and the other was a ruthless and rebellious Ronin -> ancestor of Ryuma and Zoro. Many Samurai followed his life style and they created a place without any nobles and rules -> Kuri. They were known as the demons of Wano.
At some time a war between the Oni’s from Onigashima and the samurai of Wano happened. Kitetsu, a ronin and craftsman from Kuri created Kitetsu I and gave it to Zoro’s ancestor. He slayed a lot of Oni’s during this war and the Kitetsu was drained in their blood and it became a cursed sword because their souls were sealed inside. Some Oni’s fled -> Kaido’s ancestors and some stayed in Wano -> Black Maria’s ancestors.
The lost souls of the fallen Oni’s curse every wielder, they only obey someone with a strong demonic aura like Zoro. The manifestation of Zoro’s aura is Ashura. Zoro killing Kaido would’ve been way cooler
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One of his ancestors could’ve been the Oni slayer Musashi and the other one could’ve been Ryuma the Dragon Slayer. Ruthless thugs with no destiny shit, ronin who train day and night and manifest their will into their swords. They even changed their family name into Roronoa because they got disinherited by the Shimotsuki
I sincerely doubt this is what's going to play out in the actual story of Oda's One Piece.

But it's a nice fanfic. I'm not even kidding. I'd read something like that. If this is a taste of what your fantasy novel is going to be like I'm thrilled to read it and hope I'll still be alive when it comes out!
I sincerely doubt this is what's going to play out in the actual story of Oda's One Piece.

But it's a nice fanfic. I'm not even kidding. I'd read something like that. If this is a taste of what your fantasy novel is going to be like I'm thrilled to read it and hope I'll still be alive when it comes out!
I know it’s not gonna happen. It was just my theory back then. I even drew a picture of Zoro’s ancestor and the leader of the Oni race
If this is a taste of what your fantasy novel is going to be like I'm thrilled to read it and hope I'll still be alive when it comes out!
Thanks bro, I hope I have the chance to publish it someday. I write and plan the story since 6 years. It has epic fights/wars, plot twists which lead to character developments, foreshadowings, philosophy, brutality, an entire myth and lore etc. I couldn’t describe it in such a short time
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Looks great but a lil bit too dark. Had to turn my screen light to max.
Also I love how you sign all your drawings but I can't read anything except the S:zosmug:
and yes it’s my signature, it’s a little bit messy :kayneshrug: