Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
I remember Greg mentioning that Zoro’s lineage was a long and complex matter, something akin to GOT. Oda probably thought it would sidetrack too much from the main storyline of the arc. Still, I think Oda could’ve done much better by not teasing something if he wasn’t sure to follow through on it.
Which part of GOT? John Snow's lineage? Because that ended up being quite anticlimactic in the end. And It's not like there are two important families here like Targaryan and Stark, unless Kozuki clan is involved. And if Kozuki clan is involved, that’s even worse for Zoro.
I wanted this with Zoro and Yamato but since she isn't joining I'll take Zoro and Luffy. :suresure:

Btw I rarely post on vs threads, it's not something I care too much but It was brought to my attention that Law cannot use his room and awakening at the same time, he either does his usual stuff, rooftop level, vergo,Dofla, Hawkins, etc or he does his kroom thing on his sword and has to man up and fight like a man, face to face without teleporting, I don't feel like going through the BM fight to see if this is accurate but if it is I can't imagine why Law keeps getting wanked above Zoro, is he supposed to overpower Zoro in a sword fight and stab him with shock wille and win?
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