sometimes Betta's reactions surprise me bc of how over the top they are. Like wjen he begins to insult people as fools and losers and idiots and trash, and then goes on to claim that he's a popular user on this site.
Or when he pretends to have a large social media following.
He has a severe egotistical, superiority complex attitude problem and he winds up a lot of people on here yet seems to get away with it generally and he gets defended/protected for it. It's really frustrating. Instead of listening to them, having some kind of actual healthy self awareness and open-mindedness, he gets defensive and doubles down on his behaivour generally and antagonising more people against them than he realises or making it worse in general.
I really snapped at him a while ago and called him out after enduring his nonsense for so long. I'm autistic like him and I have a lot of experience with working with autistic people and having many autistic friends too so that cannot be used as an excuse for his behaviour either. You don't need to be autistic to be a narcissistic ass.
He constantly trash talks everyone on here as being "dumber/inferior" to him, how he's far more intellectually superior and he gets away with it constantly yet we get into trouble for calling him out on it and being fed up of it.
I'm so sick and tired of him personally. I have him on ignore and refuse to ever take him off it again as I really regretted doing it last time and it led to my massive rant against him too but he is so fucking self obsessed he doesn't realise the world doesn't perceive him the same way he clearly does to himself and they're not in love with him like he is.
He really comes off as insufferable and this is coming from someone who also has believed themself to be narcissistic too and I know for a fact I have been a narcissstic, obnoxious prick since I was a child, I did a lot of cringy, attention seeking, self fellating, arrogant, obnoxious shit growing up and getting bullied a lot for it but it made me more self aware, humble and realise how much of self centered, irriating jackass I was being too.
Seeing others act the way I do, has really opened my eyes to how bad I really was and how much I wound up others too. I always got too much credit compared to other people who I feel are FAR more nicer, kinder, sincere, consistent/with far more intergrity, bravery, selflessness and such.
I might sound like I'm being too hard on myself but nobody knows me better than myself and that includes all my mistakes, lies and thus shitty behaviours, moments and such. People tend to pedstalise me way too much and make me out to be far more an angel than I am at times and I fucking hate it.
Thats why in hindsight, I really appreciate my former friends who were a lot harsher, more blunt and thus more honest towards me about myself and when I was being a jackass too.