Welcome to the club of the notable female captain of the Mari
Now, as fun activity, here is a survey you may choose to participate in -
- Favorite Tashigi moment
- Favorite interactions
- Where you see her end of series
- Will she come to Wano
- Future battles
- Whether she is or becomes a member of SWORD the secret Marines
Favourite tashigi moments-
Every time she appears

- Her geeking out about swords (wado, sandai, yoru)
- Her Postimeskip introduction
- Her on her motivations and ideals via her fights.
Favourite interactions-
- Tashigi and Zoro. Pretty funny duo. Zoro doesn't like her face/looks down on her. Tashigi's always pissed off at him.
- Tashigi and Smoker. Love the mutal respect between the two. She seems to be a lot more braver at interacting with Smoker after the timeskip. Liked her increased confidence. And ofc the whole of g5 squad are included.

Tashigi and the starwhats - limited but it's there. The best interaction I loved between the group was on Nami's part. Where she admits she has a soft spot for marine women, and why she left the punk hazard children (with tashigi).
EOS Expectations/Sword-
- I expect her to at least reach the rank vice admiral eos, if she doesn't play an active role in the story, and they mention it off handedly.
- I'm 90 percent sure she has ties to Wano/ the shimotsuki clan so I expect her and Smoker to at least be present in this arc. This might impact her eos- e.g. might go back to her birthplace and live it out. She might make a marine squad in wano?
- Highly doubt she ends up with Zoro.
- She is very respectful of Smoker and if he joins Sword, she will definitely follow. If not, I can see the both of them follow their own brand of justice or work in alliance with Fuji (sword).
Future battles-
- Some samurai if she's present at wano.
- Clash with strong pirate swordmans to show her growth.
- Hopefully arrests someone credible on her own.
- Will neg diff Shilliew at Eos