Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Hi :)
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Btw, do you guys think gloved Sanji means he's gonna use his hands more in the upcoming events? Not for punching or anything like that, but for more infiltration-style use of his hands eg. grab, lift, throw etc.
True I dunno. Perhaps Sanji occasionally uses his hands, although I prefer that he keep his usual fighting style.


Lazy is the way
good animation

As much as I would love for Sanji to completely stick to kicks, he limits himself by doing so. Adding a few grabbing, lifting and throwing moments wont hurt
Yes it is always more efficient to fight with legs and fists but Sanji said that he would never use his hands to fight so I think even lifting, throwing etc will go against his philosophy.

I don't think Oda will do such a turn to his character.
Yes it is always more efficient to fight with legs and fists but Sanji said that he would never use his hands to fight so I think even lifting, throwing etc will go against his philosophy.

I don't think Oda will do such a turn to his character.
Yeah I see what you're saying. Thing is though, the reason for Sanji's refusal to use his hands is to avoid damage to them, to preserve them for cooking, and to do that to the best of his ability. That's it. But if there's a way for him to protect his hands know..

Come to think of it, wouldn't the RS protect his hands as well? Is this an oversight by Oda???:pepeanger:

And what if the reason Oda hasn't been, let's say, enthusiastic about showing Sanji with hardening haki, is that he could then harden his hands to protect them, and thus making the excuse of not using them void:pepeanger: