Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Lazy is the way
Sanji is a high tier just like Luffy and Zoro. While Oda hasnt giving him fights, his portrayal says that much
Yes Sanji had portrayal and his clashes were only against Vet level (high mid tier) or Dofla (mid high tier). So given his back and forth with Vet people we can say clearly that he was not below that level at all.

But without decisive fights we can't really know how a fight with Vergo, Daifuku, Page one etc would have finished.

But yeah Sanji without suit was around high mid tier and low high tier.
Yes Sanji had portrayal and his clashes were only against Vet level (high mid tier) or Dofla (mid high tier). So given his back and forth with Vet people we can say clearly that he was not below that level at all.

But without decisive fights we can't really know how a fight with Vergo, Daifuku, Page one etc would have finished.

But yeah Sanji without suit was around high mid tier and low high tier.
Compare Sanji vs Jabra to his clashes with the Veterans and Vergo.

Sanji ain't putting his whole heart into those fights. Sanji is a solid low high tier without the suit
I think it could be argued that Vergo, Daifuku etc didn't go all out either.

But yeah Sanji always had other things in his mind during those fights (a person to save, feelings etc), or the fight was cut short.
I have Vergo on low high tier as well.

Daifuku on the other hand I dont see beating Sanji.

Sanji has the movement speed advantage on both with skywalk. And Sanji didnt really have issues blocking Daifuku's attacks, even when he wasnt paying attention
Has any of you Sanji fans ever aspired to be chefs or at least great at cooking?
Haha be a chef no but being better at cooking definitely. And the lockdown gives me the perfect opportunity to learn or try new things in my kitchen.
Same i also wants to become better at cooking.
And this isolation is perfect opportunity, I have been enjoying Cooking as a Hobby since this started. For like last 3 weeks, i have been making one new recipe daily.
I think Oda should have used WCI to shed more lights on Zeff life as a Pirate.

According to Sanji during Baratie, Zeff served as a Cook for some legendary/big name Pirate and in flashback he had a crew of his own. The way Krieg wanted his Log Book, Zeff name must have resonated One piece World many times.

And he necessarily needs not be a PK chef, bt Oda could have shown BMP Veterans shivering at the name of Zeff, and from his notorious feats in the Past.
But i guess Oda had to make Baratie completely helpless so Sanji has no choice but to follow BM threats for time being.

I hope it's been saved for big moment in future arcs by Oda, when Sanji goes against a very stronger foe and awakens his true power.
Hey Sunita ! How are you ?

You are obviously welcomed here ! You're in !

I'm fine mate. How long time ☺️!!!
And thanks so much. I'm glad ☺️
I love Sanji so much ✨❤️
I don't care what haters who belittle him say. Sanji is a great character, he's a goat, he has values and is strong. I don't like to talk about power levels (I avoid rating characters for that), but I think Sanji will have an excellent battle in Wano, I have no doubt about it.

A usual complaint I see is Sanji's over-use of DJ and its use on low-level opponents. But Oda has kinda written DJ to be used on all levels of opponents since the beginning. The writing is at times iffy for DJ, no doubt, but the overall impression Oda wants to relay is that DJ is a mode, something to facilitate other attacks. This is a given, and was the case already in its introduction vs Jabra, where Sanji first activated DJ and kicked Jabra, which damaged him but didn't finish him. Sanji then used a named attack, Flambage Shot, on top of DJ and ended it. DJ was used here as a facilitator, to set ablaze his named kick.

I think the key here, and the thing Oda has been going for the past few arcs, is how Sanji uses named attacks. When was the last time Sanji used a named attack? Wasn't it when he knocked out Luffy with Concasse? Correct me if I'm wrong, but ever since then Sanji has:

-One-shot Bobbin with nameless kick
-One-shot Raisin with a nameless kick
-Blocked colossal Daifuku's attack with a nameless kick
-Sent flying that huge wagon with the cake with a nameless kick
-Blitzed and sent flying Oven with a nameless kick
-Made ancient zoan Page One eat dirt with a nameless kick

The anime of course fucked up the last one by making Sanji use not only DJ, but Concasse on top of that. So much retardedness there. Oda wanted to drive home that base Sanji is not going all out vs Page One and then having to resort to the RS, which is why he only used a basic nameless kick. But the anime made sure to give that impression...

Getting back to my point, I think Oda has put more value into Sanji's named attacks, while using DJ as a facilitator that can be used on lower-level opponents as well.

Anti Manner Kick Course is all I wanted to say:finally:
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A usual complaint I see is Sanji's over-use of DJ and its use on low-level opponents. But Oda has kinda written DJ to be used on all levels of opponents since the beginning. The writing is at times iffy for DJ, no doubt, but the overall impression Oda wants to relay is that DJ is a mode, something to facilitate other attacks. This is a given, and was the case already in its introduction vs Jabra, where Sanji first activated DJ and kicked Jabra, which damaged him but didn't finish him. Sanji then used a named attack, Flambage Shot, on top of DJ and ended it. DJ was used here as a facilitator, to set ablaze his named kick.

I think the key here, and the thing Oda has been going for the past few arcs, is how Sanji uses named attacks. When was the last time Sanji used a named attack? Wasn't it when he knocked out Luffy with Concasse? Correct me if I'm wrong, but ever since then Sanji has:

-One-shot Bobbin with nameless kick
-One-shot Raisin with a nameless kick
-Blocked colossal Daifuku's attack with a nameless kick
-Sent flying that huge wagon with the cake with a nameless kick
-Blitzed and sent flying Oven with a nameless kick
-Made ancient zoan Page One eat dirt with a nameless kick

The anime of course fucked up the last one by making Sanji use not only DJ, but Concasse on top of that. So much retardedness there. Oda wanted to drive home that base Sanji is not going all out vs Page One and then having to resort to the RS, which is why he only used a basic nameless kick. But the anime made sure to give that impression...

Getting back to my point, I think Oda has put more value into Sanji's named attacks, while using DJ as a facilitator, that can be used on lower-level opponents as well.

Anti Manner Kick Course is all I wanted to say:finally:
lul, pausing to think, the last time Sanji named an attack, was the crosse strike, which paralleled Luffy's gear3 stopping a yonkou's attack.

I really wanted to see DJ Sanji's limit, he didn't use the flambage shot that was the "ashura equivalent" and was Sanji's pre-TS finishing attack. See Sanji at his limit, using his arsenal of powerful attacks like hell memories, extra hachis, grill shot, mouton shot and etc ...
I think Vergo could be that character, Vergo's FBH was very tough and Sanji would have a hard time overcoming him, he would have to use his best attacks, beyound he would have to use his soru speed and all of his potential of CoO.
lul, pausing to think, the last time Sanji named an attack, was the crosse strike, which paralleled Luffy's gear3 stopping a yonkou's attack.
Ufff I forgot about that one, but it was against a Yonko, it had to be named:jordanmf:

I really wanted to see DJ Sanji's limit, he didn't use the flambage shot that was the "ashura equivalent" and was Sanji's pre-TS finishing attack. See Sanji at his limit, using his arsenal of powerful attacks like hell memories, extra hachis, grill shot, mouton shot and etc ...
I think Vergo could be that character, Vergo's FBH was very tough and Sanji would have a hard time overcoming him, he would have to use his best attacks, beyound he would have to use his soru speed and all of his potential of CoO.
With time I've become more and more sure about why Oda hasn't had Sanji go truly all-out. Unfortunately, it likely all stems from Oda's plan to introduce the RS. To try to justify the RS power-up for Sanji, he needed to withhold his power development post-TS. Because if Oda had Sanji power up steadily throughout post TS by way of proper fights, he'd have a very hard time trying to write a justification for the RS later on. If true, it's bad writing for obvious reasons.

Maybe that's also why Oda had Sanji spam DJ post-TS, to try to cheapen it, lowering its impact, and thus better justify the introduction of the RS. The mechanics of it makes sense. Although I'm not sure how accurate it is.
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With time I've become more and more sure about why Oda hasn't had Sanji go truly all-out. Unfortunately, it likely all stems from Oda's plan to introduce the RS. To try to justify the RS power-up for Sanji, he needed to withhold his power development post-TS. Because if Oda had Sanji power up steadily throughout post TS by way of proper fights, he'd have a very hard time trying to write a justification for the RS later on. If true, it's bad writing for obvious reasons.
Maybe that's also why Oda had Sanji spam DJ post-TS, to try to cheapen it, lowering its impact, and thus better justify the introduction of the RS. The mechanics of it makes sense. Although I'm not sure how accurate it is.
I think exactly the same thing
Ufff I forgot about that one, but it was against a Yonko, it had to be named:jordanmf:

With time I've become more and more sure about why Oda hasn't had Sanji go truly all-out. Unfortunately, it likely all stems from Oda's plan to introduce the RS. To try to justify the RS power-up for Sanji, he needed to withhold his power development post-TS. Because if Oda had Sanji power up steadily throughout post TS by way of proper fights, he'd have a very hard time trying to write a justification for the RS later on. If true, it's bad writing for obvious reasons.

Maybe that's also why Oda had Sanji spam DJ post-TS, to try to cheapen it, lowering its impact, and thus better justify the introduction of the RS. The mechanics of it makes sense. Although I'm not sure how accurate it is.
That's exactly why sanji hasn't had 1V1 since the new world.

While we've seen the results of luffy and zoro's training, sanji hasn't had his flashback with ivankov yet,and frankly ivankov compared to ray and mihawk sucks.
And now the RS is going to wake up his vinsmoke dna, I'm almost sure, that was the plan from the beginning,against vergo he'll crack his leg, later he'll have his exoskeleton so it won't happen again.
And now you're going to tell me that Sanji was weakened because of Nami, honestly if Sanji is not even able to withstand the attacks of Ceasar he doesn't have a place in the M3.

Sanji's always been destined to be a power ranger.