Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Lazy is the way
If Hardening is really better than Invisible Haki, i think that alone is enough to push Sanji a Tier above.

Thn add to it, HM mode Sanji is holding back n potential advance CoO Haki. Sanji without RS already a solid High Tier. Afterall only with such considerable difference in strength you can treat a Veteran like Sanji did with Oven.
I think all out Sanji without RS is low high tier

With the RS and no DJ at all is also low high tier as well.

With RS going all out mid high tier.

Do you think Sanji will just use RS to the fullest to beat his opponent in Wano or he will have also an other PU like better haki, better flames, other mode etc ?
I think all out Sanji without RS is low high tier

With the RS and no DJ at all is also low high tier as well.

With RS going all out mid high tier.

Do you think Sanji will just use RS to the fullest to beat his opponent in Wano or he will have also an other PU like better haki, better flames, other mode etc ?
I think the same, HM Hardening Haki Sanji is somewhere arround Low High Tier, and RS Sanji without DJ might be bit below tho. (Given Yonji PL, tho he wasn't invisible)

No, given how difficult Luffy YC fight were and Oda won't stretch these fights to so many hours, i see another PU for Sanji to end the fight quickly.
Offensively its a given, we would see new attacks of HM, bt not sure if that would count as a New PU, bt yeah wouldn't be surprised if he awakens new flame in last quarter of the fight, or maybe an advance version of CoO haki.
I am not completely sure in the latter, due to Queen being an opponent who doesn't appear like would force Sanji to awaken CoO haki mid fight, but at the same time i feel it's time he learnt some advance Haki and CoO is his speciality, so he will learn advance CoO haki first.

So I just hope Queen looks turns out to be deceiving and is actually very fast, or his Poison affects Sanji vision, and he has to completly rely on CoO haki to fight. But the problm with latter is, two opponents who are both invisible to each other also wouldn't make an interesting fight.
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Don't you think the RS on its own will boost DJ ?

I am under the impression that the other RS boost the Vinsmoke powers : electricity, light/explosion, poison etc

Maybe the RS will boost fire. But the RS already has a power on its own : invisibility so maybe that is all.
Its seems like the RS was created before they knew Sanji wouldve gained a fire based ability. So I dont think it boosts DJ
I think the same, HM Hardening Haki Sanji is somewhere arround Low High Tier, and RS Sanji without DJ might be bit below tho. (Given Yonji PL, tho he wasn't invisible)

No, given how difficult Luffy YC fight were and Oda won't stretch these fights to so many hours, i see another PU for Sanji to end the fight quickly.
Offensively its a given, we would see new attacks of HM, bt not sure if that would count as a New PU, bt yeah wouldn't be surprised if he awakens new flame in last quarter of the fight, or maybe an advance version of CoO haki.
I am not completely sure in the latter, due to Queen being an opponent who doesn't appear like would force Sanji to awaken CoO haki mid fight, but at the same time i feel it's time he learnt some advance Haki and CoO is his speciality, so he will learn advance CoO haki first.

So I just hope Queen looks turns out to be deceiving and is actually very fast, or his Poison affects Sanji vision, and he has to completly rely on CoO haki to fight. But the problm with latter is, two opponents who are both invisible to each other also wouldn't make an interesting fight.
Personally I think Sanji already unlocked his advanced CoO. Just like Zoro already did for the swordsman side.
I think Oda should have used WCI to shed more lights on Zeff life as a Pirate.

According to Sanji during Baratie, Zeff served as a Cook for some legendary/big name Pirate and in flashback he had a crew of his own. The way Krieg wanted his Log Book, Zeff name must have resonated One piece World many times.

And he necessarily needs not be a PK chef, bt Oda could have shown BMP Veterans shivering at the name of Zeff, and from his notorious feats in the Past.
But i guess Oda had to make Baratie completely helpless so Sanji has no choice but to follow BM threats for time being.

I hope it's been saved for big moment in future arcs by Oda, when Sanji goes against a very stronger foe and awakens his true power.
Yeah agree, Zeff past must be explored a bit : his travels, crews etc. I want Sanji to meet people who remember Zeff might and power. Older crewmates, enemies, customers etc.

Zeff pretty much defined Sanji. Martial Arts, cooking, chivalry, these aspects of Sanji all came from Zeff. Makes him the strawhat background character with the most influence on a strawhat. Like you guys said, we need to explore him more. Crossing my fingers for this one.

That's exactly why sanji hasn't had 1V1 since the new world.

While we've seen the results of luffy and zoro's training, sanji hasn't had his flashback with ivankov yet,and frankly ivankov compared to ray and mihawk sucks.
And now the RS is going to wake up his vinsmoke dna, I'm almost sure, that was the plan from the beginning,against vergo he'll crack his leg, later he'll have his exoskeleton so it won't happen again.
I've also entertained the idea that Sanji's cracked leg might be foreshadowing for someting down the line. We'll se I guess.

Oda cheapened DJ and kept us from seeing his full strength for two reasons.

1. Sanji wasnt getting any 1 v 1 fights anytime soon. He couldnt have Sanji showing his actual strength. Probably just decided to leave that Wano.
That's likely, but it's reason for that we're wondering about. And like I mentioned earlier, it's probably due to the RS that he wasn't llowed to go all out.

And like you said, not every DJ attack is of the same strength. He has his weaker ones and upper end ones. The upper end techniques are the ones Oda been hiding from us along with his hardening.

Oda gave Sanji the RS simply because Oda isnt done with his family conflict. This is evident because

A) Sanji's name changed from Black Leg to Vinsmoke on his Bounty
B) Atleast his siblings started warming up to him near the end of WCI. While Judge still viewed Sanji as trash. Sanji literally spent the entire arc asserting his dominance and showing he wasnt as weak as he was back when they were kids. He deformed Yonji's skull, impressed everyone with his skill in his battle against Judge, broke Nijji's Jaw, saved Reiju along with Luffy etc. etc.
Like I dont think Oda gave Sanji the suit because he needed a PU. Sanji has the suit because he spent years running from his past. He needs to accept where he came from. Whether they treated him like shit or not.

At the end of the day he's still a Vinsmoke. Just a Vinsmoke with compassion. A true royal imo.

People just view it as some buff Oda threw in to make Sanji strong quick, but then that doesnt make much sense when Sanji hasnt gone all out does it? Oda started an overarching plot line for Sanji the moment his bounty paper had only "alive" and not "alive or dead"
Oda is an absolute genius at hitting several birds with one stone, I've never come across an author who's better at that. An undisputed genius. So the question that should be asked, did he think of Sanji's family history and relationships first or did he think of the RS first and then built the relationship to the Vinsmokes around it. It's not an easy question to anwer precisely because how good Oda is. My guess is that Oda planned the RS terribly long ago, I don't think it was a result of what his relatioinship with the Vinsmokes culminated in at the end of WCI, although that could be how he wants it to be depicted in-universe wise. But real world-wise, I think Oda wanted badly to give Sanji the RS, specifically the invisibility, since very long ago.