I think Oda should have used WCI to shed more lights on Zeff life as a Pirate.
According to Sanji during Baratie, Zeff served as a Cook for some legendary/big name Pirate and in flashback he had a crew of his own. The way Krieg wanted his Log Book, Zeff name must have resonated One piece World many times.
And he necessarily needs not be a PK chef, bt Oda could have shown BMP Veterans shivering at the name of Zeff, and from his notorious feats in the Past.
But i guess Oda had to make Baratie completely helpless so Sanji has no choice but to follow BM threats for time being.
I hope it's been saved for big moment in future arcs by Oda, when Sanji goes against a very stronger foe and awakens his true power.
According to Sanji during Baratie, Zeff served as a Cook for some legendary/big name Pirate and in flashback he had a crew of his own. The way Krieg wanted his Log Book, Zeff name must have resonated One piece World many times.
And he necessarily needs not be a PK chef, bt Oda could have shown BMP Veterans shivering at the name of Zeff, and from his notorious feats in the Past.
But i guess Oda had to make Baratie completely helpless so Sanji has no choice but to follow BM threats for time being.
I hope it's been saved for big moment in future arcs by Oda, when Sanji goes against a very stronger foe and awakens his true power.