Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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Lazy is the way
I think Oda should have used WCI to shed more lights on Zeff life as a Pirate.

According to Sanji during Baratie, Zeff served as a Cook for some legendary/big name Pirate and in flashback he had a crew of his own. The way Krieg wanted his Log Book, Zeff name must have resonated One piece World many times.

And he necessarily needs not be a PK chef, bt Oda could have shown BMP Veterans shivering at the name of Zeff, and from his notorious feats in the Past.
But i guess Oda had to make Baratie completely helpless so Sanji has no choice but to follow BM threats for time being.

I hope it's been saved for big moment in future arcs by Oda, when Sanji goes against a very stronger foe and awakens his true power.
Yeah agree, Zeff past must be explored a bit : his travels, crews etc. I want Sanji to meet people who remember Zeff might and power. Older crewmates, enemies, customers etc.

Ufff I forgot about that one, but it was against a Yonko, it had to be named:jordanmf:

With time I've become more and more sure about why Oda hasn't had Sanji go truly all-out. Unfortunately, it likely all stems from Oda's plan to introduce the RS. To try to justify the RS power-up for Sanji, he needed to withhold his power development post-TS. Because if Oda had Sanji power up steadily throughout post TS by way of proper fights, he'd have a very hard time trying to write a justification for the RS later on. If true, it's bad writing for obvious reasons.

Maybe that's also why Oda had Sanji spam DJ post-TS, to try to cheapen it, lowering its impact, and thus better justify the introduction of the RS. The mechanics of it makes sense. Although I'm not sure how accurate it is.
Oda cheapened DJ and kept us from seeing his full strength for two reasons.

1. Sanji wasnt getting any 1 v 1 fights anytime soon. He couldnt have Sanji showing his actual strength. Probably just decided to leave that Wano.

And like you said, not every DJ attack is of the same strength. He has his weaker ones and upper end ones. The upper end techniques are the ones Oda been hiding from us along with his hardening.

2. It would be difficult to write PIS involved fights if he showed Sanji actually being strong.

Oda gave Sanji the RS simply because Oda isnt done with his family conflict. This is evident because

A) Sanji's name changed from Black Leg to Vinsmoke on his Bounty
B) Atleast his siblings started warming up to him near the end of WCI. While Judge still viewed Sanji as trash. Sanji literally spent the entire arc asserting his dominance and showing he wasnt as weak as he was back when they were kids. He deformed Yonji's skull, impressed everyone with his skill in his battle against Judge, broke Nijji's Jaw, saved Reiju along with Luffy etc. etc.

I've always had a theory that Sanji gonna end up running the Germa and taking it away from his father. Turns the whole organization from and assassin one to literally power ranger chefs.

The RS wasnt a pity item from Niji, it was a gift. The entire reason Niji grabbed Sanji and boosted him through the BMP forces was to slip the suit on him lol. The "you'll get shot full of holes" statement was just an excuse lol. You can interpret that as them actually accepting their brother.

But Sanji's reaction to it was because he didnt see it that way. He thought niji was still looking down on him.
Like I dont think Oda gave Sanji the suit because he needed a PU. Sanji has the suit because he spent years running from his past. He needs to accept where he came from. Whether they treated him like shit or not.

At the end of the day he's still a Vinsmoke. Just a Vinsmoke with compassion. A true royal imo.

People just view it as some buff Oda threw in to make Sanji strong quick, but then that doesnt make much sense when Sanji hasnt gone all out does it? Oda started an overarching plot line for Sanji the moment his bounty paper had only "alive" and not "alive or dead"
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Lazy is the way
Defending Sanji is literally one of the most exhausting experiences ever
Haha I feel you

I think in every Sanji fans life there is one time when we feel that way but we keep kicking their butts that is why this is the best fandom ^^.

Sanji literally spent the entire arc asserting his dominance and showing he wasnt as weak as he was back when they were kids. He deformed Yonji's skull, impressed everyone with his skill in his battle against Judge, broke Nijji's Jaw, saved Reiju along with Luffy etc. etc.
I think this was not highlighted enough in WCI.

The Vinsmoke let Sanji go away when he was a weak child and they all thought that he will die somewhere and will forever be weak.
And then they met him again and they discovered a really strong fighter. They should have showed more surprise about Sanji level and power. I felt like except Yonji in the beginning everyone find it normal that Sanji ended up that strong. Judge doesn't really said anything, neither Yonji or Niji.

They can still think he is weak because of his "soft" mentality and say he hasn't changed.

But about his power I would have liked more surprised and talked about that.
Haha I feel you

I think in every Sanji fans life there is one time when we feel that way but we keep kicking their butts that is why this is the best fandom ^^.

I think this was not highlighted enough in WCI.

The Vinsmoke let Sanji go away when he was a weak child and they all thought that he will die somewhere and will forever be weak.
And then they meet him again and they discover a really strong fighter. They should have showed more surprise about Sanji level and power. I felt like except Yonji in the beginning everyone find it normal that Sanji ended up that strong. Judge doesn't really said anything, neither Yonji or Niji.

They can still think he is weak because of his "soft" mentality and say he hasn't changed.

But about his power I would have liked more surprised and talked about that.
Yes, one of the more jarring parts of WCI. Like Sanji just defeated Yonji, yet you still call him a failure ? Its just weird for Judge to say this....

Unless he only sees him as a failure due to his kindness and personality. That would make sense, but then again Oda highlighted both his physical weakness along with soft heart. It makes no sense for Judge to not have been interested in taking Sanji back.

This is a problem I've spotted with Post Timeskip. Character inconsistencies by making them act nonchalant. Examples:-

Momo gets kidnapped but everyone doesn't give a fuck a second later.
Luffy gets thrown in Kaido's prison, could potentially get one cares.
Sanji comes back years later and becomes the strong son you wanted. Nope dont care....

Oda picks and chooses whenever he wants the characters to react, instead of sticking to what would actually happen. And this isnt due to subvertting audiences. Its due to him being a lazy writer and wanting an easier plot.
Haha I feel you

I think in every Sanji fans life there is one time when we feel that way but we keep kicking their butts that is why this is the best fandom ^^.

I think this was not highlighted enough in WCI.

The Vinsmoke let Sanji go away when he was a weak child and they all thought that he will die somewhere and will forever be weak.
And then they met him again and they discovered a really strong fighter. They should have showed more surprise about Sanji level and power. I felt like except Yonji in the beginning everyone find it normal that Sanji ended up that strong. Judge doesn't really said anything, neither Yonji or Niji.

They can still think he is weak because of his "soft" mentality and say he hasn't changed.

But about his power I would have liked more surprised and talked about that.
I don't think his power mattered to them, after all Judge was a very powerful man without genetic enhancements. Judge atleast was surprised Sanji had Haki.

At the end of the day they saw the fact that he had no exoskeleton and having compassion as weakness regardless of how well he could fight.

But that compassion was the reason why they were not killed at the tea party. And probably why they accepted him in the end by giving him the RS
not every DJ attack is of the same strength. He has his weaker ones and upper end ones. The upper end techniques are the ones Oda been hiding from us along with his hardening
If Hardening is really better than Invisible Haki, i think that alone is enough to push Sanji a Tier above.

Thn add to it, HM mode Sanji is holding back n potential advance CoO Haki. Sanji without RS already a solid High Tier. Afterall only with such considerable difference in strength you can treat a Veteran like Sanji did with Oven.