If it's Judge's achievement then I'd like to see any other Vinsmokes kicking Kizaru's light as well

What Sanji did to Kizaru's lazer is beyond whatever Judge's science is capable of. Hell even Sanji's Ifrit and his ability to switch in and out of exo-mode is beyond Judge. Sanji has awakened his modifications but he's clearly different from his other siblings. Whatever Sanji was able to do with the lazer seems the related to the "power of love" theme that's been emphasized with him several times this arc, not really sure what Oda's cooking with it but I'm intrigued tbh.
- On Stussy
Stussy is alive and well and preparing to open up the barrier for the SHs to escape.
I'm guessing you're referring to the scene where she got stabbed by Lucci earlier on in the arc.
Sanji didn't go after Lucci when he stabbed Stussy for plot reasons, but his not doing so saved the SHs a whole lot of trouble as he was lucid enough to trap a potential threat in Kaku before it became one. Moreover Stussy is not so weak that she needs Sanji flying to her rescue every single time.
- On Bonney
Sanji protected Bonney from Kizaru when he intercepted Kizaru's lazer with a kick and has now saved her again from Nasjuro in the latest chapter. When it was necessary for Sanji to protect her he's done so. He wasn't able to protect her against Saturn and Kizaru initially bcoz the plot restricted him from doing so to give Kuma his moment. Moreover he was faced with hax from an EoS level opponent in Saturn. It is what it is imo.
- On Vegapunk
He's not dead. Not sure why folks are so convinced that he is and the fact that Sanji has not treated him as such is testament to that. Sanji was able to tell that Luffy's voice has disappeared on Wano but he's somehow unable to that Vegapunk is alive?
I actually think Kizaru saved him with his lazer but time will tell with that one.
- On Nasujuro
Don't really see what the problem is, Sanji's goal was to save Bonney and he's done so. Nasujuro was able to get in an attack on him in the process by displaying the flexibility of the mythical zoan fruit but he's a competent top tier it and probably Zoro's EoS opponent, so it is what is. Doubt Sanji's taking any significant damage from that and even if he has he can always auto-regen in exo-mode. Also, him getting saved by the giants is whatever, it was never meant to be a full on 1 v 1.