Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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In other words, Luffy's trusted man, who always leads, advises and protects the crew members, will also need help if needed. And for a great leader, it's essential to trust your teammates.
It adds another layer since Sanji usually handle things on his own, so trusting and believing in Robin was a great moment for both. They could be a deadly duo if Oda wants to expand more on the Underworld.
It adds another layer since Sanji usually handle things on his own, so trusting and believing in Robin was a great moment for both. They could be a deadly duo if Oda wants to expand more on the Underworld.
Yes, you get the mindset. Both Robin and Sanji have tried to sacrifice themselves for the safety of those they love ( in Ennies Lobby and WholeCake).

So this particular scene is part of their growth, trusting each other is part of the process. And so their relationship evolution carries a symbolic value.

Sanji and Robin's only mistake was to love too much :kata:
Both Robin and Sanji have tried to sacrifice themselves for the safety of those they love
Actually i don't relate Robin with Sanji in that case, but more with Nami.

Robin simply gave up on life, she literally wanted to die, Sanji tried what he could to sacrifice himself and let the crew out of his own problems, similar to Nami.

Obviously i don't think these are the same situations, not even close, Whole Cake had the most tension and dangerous situations in the series no doubt
Actually i don't relate Robin with Sanji in that case, but more with Nami.

Robin simply gave up on life, she literally wanted to die, Sanji tried what he could to sacrifice himself and let the crew out of his own problems, similar to Nami.

Obviously i don't think these are the same situations, not even close, Whole Cake had the most tension and dangerous situations in the series no doubt
Sanji was in internal conflict, as was Robin. He was willing to die for the crew in a moment:

And I can name at least another 10 times of Sanji's self-sacrifice, who would leave his life for others strawhatz
Sanji was in internal conflict, as was Robin. He was willing to die for the crew in a moment:

And I can name at least another 10 times of Sanji's self-sacrifice, who would leave his life for others strawhatz
I agree, this is uncomparable to any other cuz not only just the situation is much more caotic, but also Sanji already was a extremely reliable member to Luffy and the whole crew in general.

Overall Robin's internal conflict was more due to her own emotions than due to actual events happening. As she said, she didn't wanted to live, the crew made her fell the opposite.
In Sanji's case it's basicly all about Luffy himself not wanting to let Sanji go, and Sanji recognizing that in the most tough and emotional situations
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I wanted to ask Sanji fans a question. Eventually the SHs will achieve their dreams, but does anyone wonder what order it will happen?

I was thinking that it is possible that Sanji finds All Blue first. That way the SHs can have renewed hope and confirmation that the impossible can happen. On the other hand, I have read theories that destroying the Red Line will lead to the All Blue and the one piece. I don't know if Sanji's dream will be way before Luffy's or closer to when Luffy becomes Pirate King. What does everyone else think?
Imo Sanjis dream is only possible after the World government is destroyed. The All Blue is a legendary place that logically can only exist on the center of the world, I.e. mariejoa.

This also fits with the Celestial Dragons. If you ran the world, you’d place your castle in a place where everything and anything was within reach and if their truly is a sea that has access to every form of seafood in the world, it’s where I would put my home.
Imo Sanjis dream is only possible after the World government is destroyed. The All Blue is a legendary place that logically can only exist on the center of the world, I.e. mariejoa.

This also fits with the Celestial Dragons. If you ran the world, you’d place your castle in a place where everything and anything was within reach and if their truly is a sea that has access to every form of seafood in the world, it’s where I would put my home.
I would also do the same thing if I was a CD. Plus it also emphasizes how integral Sanji's dream is. I always liked how both Luffy and Sanji first set out not knowing if the one piece and All Blue actually existed. If All Blue is connected to the world government, then I can't wait to see how it plays out.
If you look at that situation from Luffys POV, he realized Sanji was in pain and Luffy being who he is wanted to share that pain so Sanji isn't suffering alone. It's legit a great Captain and character moment for Luffy.
I think people underrate WCI Luffy moments with Sanji, major character growth, and showed some aspects of Luffy that we didn't even knew he had, Sanji included
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The only time that I was ever annoyed with Sanji was during Fishmen Island.

I am watching the anime again with my brother, so it's going to take us a while to reach that arc. I just didn't like the nose bleed part. I understand that Oda was underlining themes of discrimination but why a nosebleed?

I didn't like how he acted towards Jimbei, but I appreciate that his behavior was in character. I just didn't like it.

I really enjoyed all facets of Sanji's character during WCI. I enjoyed seeing 'weak' Sanji. I liked how WCI had a more espionage feel to it. I enjoyed how despite being a part of the monster trio, Oda really emphasized Sanji's humanity throughout the arc.