Fanclub The V̶i̶n̶s̶m̶o̶k̶e̶ Sanji FC: The Prince of love

When will Sanji unlock his COC ?

  • When he will discover All Blue

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:josad:its okay fam, everything will be daijobu:josad:

Being a Sanji fan is about patience. Decades of patience. And there is no way back. SaNa, Lunarian Sanji, worst criminal, CoC, and much much more awaits us just beyond a corner. And everything will be much tastier :cheers:
t-t-thanks :josad::josad::josad:

SHUT UP EVERYBODY! Get your shit together and stop bitching! We went through much worse shit than this! And have we broken down? NO! The pain made us stronger, wiser, better. And you are now giving up, because of some little thing that isn't perfect for you? Are we in a Kindergarten here or what? GROW UP! This is not the same people i know, that is not the members of the best FC on this forum that i got to know over the past years!
WE are the ones who make this FC great! And nothing, and i mean NOTHING! Is ever gonna ruin it!
If you are stil willing to leave this FC, then you never were a Sanji Fan, you never were one of us, you never were Family...

Vegapunk is an Okama.
Germa 66 became goody two shoes superheroes and formed the justice league.
Sora is an undercover CP0 agent.
All Blue is a small pond on the Red Line.
Supremacy event is just a gag.
One Piece is Looney Toons.

Oda: Peak Fiction. :pepebuggy:


Btw what do you think of the last chapter and the Nami CoC gag (is it really a gag?) I see a lot of people saying something like Nami should have it because drawing the maps of all the world is like conquering it. Jesus I never saw such a double standard, thinking Nami should have it but the same people (at least a great majority I think) is convinced Sanji could never have it, but at the same time now Nami can? It's so stupid.

Btw what do you think of the last chapter and the Nami CoC gag (is it really a gag?) I see a lot of people saying something like Nami should have it because drawing the maps of all the world is like conquering it. Jesus I never saw such a double standard, thinking Nami should have it but the same people (at least a great majority I think) is convinced Sanji could never have it, but at the same time now Nami can? It's so stupid.
Nami having CoC is a gag. I love Nami, she's like my 3rd favorite after Sanji and Zoro but her unlocking CoC while the likes of Law, Jinbei and Sanji doesn't have it, is the most ludicrous thing that Oda can come up with.

Even Looney Toons Oda can't be that far gone in the pipes, is he?

After Wano though, I'm not so sure anymore.

Nah jokes aside, I think Oda is like the ultimate cook though, not Sanji. You know those slow cooker pots(above pic) that are used for the benefits of slow cooking, such as letting the meat tenderize and bring out its true flavour over many hours. I sometimes think this is what Oda's been doing with Sanji ever since the time skip. Occasionally he'll remove the lid and let us fans catch a whiff of the content inside, making us salivate and yearn for the day when we're called to the dining table to take part in the ultimate feast. Before then mind you, he'll never let us eat, not even taste, no, all we're allowed is the smell before he puts the lid back on. Sometimes he'll throw us a lil sumthing, a small side-dish appetizer to help quell the wide-spread hunger, and oftentimes the taste is questionable with some fans reluctantly approving and some outright rejecting it. And if we dare show the slightest dissatisfaction all we'd get is the swift and decisive rath of Oda in the form of a big fat troll for Sanji(eg latest chapter).

This is how it feels lol. But I'm here for that ultimate feast, even if I starve before then.