Rate Sanji new Elbaf outfit ?

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We got another burger boi ?

There was literally nothing tricky about Jabra, he had unique flying attacks and thats about it. Burgess has his shockwave attacks.
Already acknowledged that Jyabura was the closest ting we've had to a direct fighter for Sanji in recent years. Reason I stated he somewhat fits the tricky category however is coz that was literally his theme. He was a wolf that utilized dirty tricks and lies in his fights.

Everyone is constantly saying Burgess is simple or boring yet dont realise the tricky gimmicks that Sanji's past opponents have used ruined the fight. Bentham's face changing ability slowed down the fight. Queen's cyborg abilities was consitently slowing down the fight and their was barely any CQC till the last chap. Absalom literally cannot even fight lmao.

Like the Strength DF is literally a blessing and Sanji fans cannot even see it. Not only will Burgess be a feat monster and push Sanji to shoe crazy feats to match him.....Burgess will also likely be CQC heavy and will not be relying on tricks.

Like weve possibly got another Sanji vs Jabra with Burgess, but people want Laffitite and have a hypnotism fight....like...
So you urself acknowledge that that this gimmicks and tricks are a pattern in Sanji's fights no? Not liking it doesn't really change the fact that it's literally a reoccurring theme in Sanji fights.

On the second part, the fact the he is so direct is exactly what makes him so boring imo, having incredible power doesn't mean shit if ur opponent is much faster than you and incredible power also doesn't equate to incredible defense. Feat Monster? Being able to lift buildings and throw them? Someone like Jozu can do that even without the strength DF and is a much more dynamic fighter. Moreover Sanji has always had incredible physical strength even more so now the he's super genes have awakened. He doesn't really need that specific stat emphasized in his BB fight. Hell I'd argue that's the worse direction Oda could go with Sanji right now. In order to reach top tier status, he needs to improve other other tings like his Haki etc. and I'm skeptical about Burgess being the one to allow him achieve that.

Even aside from portrayal and prominence, fact that Laffite can fly alone already makes him an exciting opponent for Sanji as mid-air is Sanji's forte. Not to mention Laffite is also rapid so chances of him being able to keep up with Sanji in CQC is very high.


Welcome to the House of Hope
The most "direct" fight Sanji ever had was against Kuroobi.
And even then Oda made it "tricky" with Sanji needing to go underwater to save Luffy.
The "tricky" parts don't remove the CQC stuff.
Sanji vs Mr2 had great exchanges, Sanji vs Jabura had it.
Sanji vs Absalom was nothing but a slaughter. Sanji only got the short end of the stick in the end because he had to prevent Nami from getting hit.
Sanji vs Wadatsumi was also a slaughter.

Sanji vs Queen was less "gimmicky" then people give it credit for. Despite the fight being a mess due to Oda spreading it thin throughout 10+ chapters and half of the focused ones being Sanji's little fake dilemma, the fight was extremely straightforward.
It just didn't have great exchanges because Queen is not a "martial artist".

The problem with Sanji fighting Burgess, is that we can't have those kind of cool exchanges as well, since Burgess is, and should be, physically stronger than Sanji by a long shot. After all, that's what his power is all about. So, if Sanji was to directly trade blows with Burgess, he would lose.
It would be a fight about taking as minimal hits as possible while he dances around Burgess with his speed.

Lafitte or even Pizarro are a much better choice if you wish to see a fight of Sanji "trading hits" against someone.
The "gimmicks" never fucked up the fights.
Also, Sanji & Zoro’s opponents usually have something ‘extra’ that sets them apart from the other members & considering all of Teach’s executives are DF users, the likelihood that this ‘extra’ is awakening is very high. So from that perspective, if you think about potentially awakened users on Teach’s crew, logically speaking the characters that have had their DFs for a longer period of time are the most likely to be awakened.
Also, Sanji & Zoro’s opponents usually have something ‘extra’ that sets them apart from the other members & considering all of Teach’s executives are DF users, the likelihood that this ‘extra’ is awakening is very high. So from that perspective, if you think about potentially awakened users on Teach’s crew, logically speaking the characters that have had their DFs for a longer period of time are the most likely to be awakened.
Awakened Shiryu? Please no, he just got his DF:kidwat:

Perhaps Shiryu has ACoC and Lafitte is awakened :specialmeh:
Awakened Shiryu? Please no, he just got his DF:kidwat:

Perhaps Shiryu has ACoC and Lafitte is awakened :specialmeh:
Possibly, but I’m skeptical about that being the case with the emphasis Oda is putting on DFs with regards to the BB Pirates.

Also, might be viewed as a bit of a stretch but keep in mind that Shiryu stated that the clear clear fruit is ‘very useful’ so this might be an indication that he already has a very good understanding of the DF in which case, he might be able to awaken relatively quickly.