Wasnt his last fight Absaldom.
Depends on how you look at it I guess. As far as proper, conclusive fights go, Jabra was the last one. Absalom was finished by Nami and Lola, but even counting Absalom, that's still over twelve years ago...
But yh I agree. Sanji is just wasted potential in terms of combat.
And it's a shame because Oda has put a huge amount of work on Sanji. Literally the most fleshed out character in terms of backstory, characterization, range of emotion etc. It's just the combat aspect that Oda has so stubbornly held back on. But now that the raidsuit(which I believe is the reason for why Oda has been nerfing/downplaying Sanji's combat-prowess all this time) has made its intro at last, we can look forward to some serious combat delivery.
Anyway, that's water under the bridge. Any thoughts on the plotline with the thousand imprisoned samurai? Sanji was talking about them, kinda implying he'll break them out, but then that oddly didn't happen. Was Oda perhaps laying down the goundwork for when Sanji will revisit them later on? Would be really cool if he'd command them in the war.
Punk Hazard - commands the G5 marines
Wano - commands the thousand samurai
Final war - commands Germa