Admirals are way too strong for Kidd to 1v1. Gorosei's strength is unknown but I don't think he will be involved against them.
As for Wano arc and post ts in general, to me it's clear Oda gave whatever role that Kidd was supposed to have to Law. Just look at the interactions during their fight against BM, Law is the strategist and kinda order him around. He is also a D which story wise is very relevant.
Oda gave Kidd CoC but he didn't use any type of haki during Wano and couldn't understand what Luffy was doing vs Kaido.
So I feel like he is just another SN just like Drake, Bege or Apoo.
Only Luffy, Zoro and Law are important in Oda's eyes as SN.
Whoa, hold it there.
Three things:
1. Luffy, Law, and Kidd each has "Beaten a Yonko" under their resume while Zoro obviously never will.
2. So maybe let's take what Lolda did with how different Kidd's resume and Zoro's resume are at face value because, no offense, you seemed to have read too much into "Law was the strategist and Kidd showed no CoC" thingy instead of their actual accomplishments, which truly matter in OP world and not how they win their fights.
3. Not to mention that Kidd (and Law both) faced Yonkos again this arc (regardless of their lack of success) while Zoro did fuck all against CP0 and Seraphims, so...
Wano established that Luffy's peers (like Law, Kidd, Sabo, etc) are >>>> Luffy's crew in terms of importance. And please don't debate this since this is obviously canon considering I don't see any of Luffy's crew having a 3 billion bounty post-Wano nor are they talked to have toppled down the previous status quo with the emperors. Their bounties are also not revealed until after Wano is offer, and that, too, without actual bounty posters (unlike what was given to Kidd).
Lolda also made sure that Zoro played a less important role than both Kidd and Law in every arc they appear together:
Kidd and Law played more important roles than Zoro in Sabaody (I mean, getting no diffed by Kizaru and BFRed by Kuma are not Ws, of course).
Law played a more important role than Zoro in Punk Hazard and then in Dressrosa.
Kidd and Law again played more important roles than Zoro in Wano.
Which means, in both arcs Kidd appear with Zoro, Kidd plays the far more important role.
I think it's obvious that, post-TS, Lolda treats Luffy as the show, Law as the deuteragonist, and Kidd + Momoron + Sabo sharing the (somewhat distant) tritagonist roles.
If Kidd appears together with Zoro in an arc where the Admirals go down, what reason is there to believe Zoro will play a more important role than Kidd will? Power level? Zoro would have beaten a Yonko in Wano if that were true.
And the Law + Kidd parallel alone should tell you why Kidd will have the Ws that Law has if they appear together.
Law and Kidd appeared together in Sabaody and they both beat a Pacifista.
Law and Kidd appeared together in Wano and they both beat a Yonko.
If they appear together in an arc where Law gets involved with an Admiral and/or a Gorosei, Kidd will be there to beat an Admiral and/or a Gorosei, too.