Controversial Trump vs Harris who do you predict wins?

Who do you predict wins?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Nothing sus about it.

They put forth a female black non Christian candidate. Of the 20mil, the majority abstained cause of those. And the others didn't vote cause dems got complacent and they thought dems were gonna win no matter what.

If there's one thing to admire about the GOP, it's that their core voter show up and vote every single fucking time. They don't think "oh we have this in the bag. No need for me to vote". They go out and vote. A huge part of the GOP base is old people. They are by far the largest age demographic that vote.
Not enough to shift the entire state but it definitely contributed @LANJI CUCKSMOKE

Pure retardation lol

They know trump is worse on their issues. Yet choose the candidate that never had a snowball's chance. Well they will reap what they have sown soon enough.
trump has house, senate, supreme court, whitehouse, popular support and god
the only thing left is to actually do what the most psychotic dems are convinced he already plans to do
democracy, checks and balances, moderation, norms, human rights,
the united states should stop the faux imperialism, where they bomb countries to force them to have gay pride parades and girlschools, and start real imperialism. make the americas yours, donald! TAKE THE OIL, ALL OF IT!!!

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lol I was just about to post this. It'll be just like last time. A lot of hot air from movie stars who believe themselves to be government analysts or sacred idols who think that society will fall apart without them around. But at the end of the day, they won't have the balls to go through with it. :pepemwai:
I hope they go to Canada.... please not Germany... we have enough weirdos here :kriwhat: