I'm glad you at least acknowledge how Sanji agrees with Zoro when Zoro teaches Luffy what it means to be a captain, instead of doing it himself. Always following Zoro's lead, as it was the case in Thriller Bark.
Zoro: "Stay back, I am going to face Kuma" -> Sanji interferes later
Zoro: "I'm going to sacrifice myself for my captain" -> Sanji comes out and says "but I want to be the one"
Zoro: "Stay back, I am going to face Kuma" -> Sanji interferes later
Zoro: "I'm going to sacrifice myself for my captain" -> Sanji comes out and says "but I want to be the one"

Just like he was the only one who stopped Luffy from making an awfully reckless decision in water 7 something a VC should have done really... not saying he is officially one.. you ddid say that was out of anger.. but anger at the fact that luffy as a captain was about to make a wild decision out of anger due to what ussop was saying.. with later zoro is the one who consoles Luffy after that miserable fight
kinda reaffirms my point of "wings" again
obviously if sanji keeps being the devil's advocate he wouldn't be adding much to the crew.. he has to school nami and take sides when it come down to it... and sure when it comes to Honor and dignity we know Zoro in regards to that
but in all honesty all i can see for zoro being the VC is basically marines or non-crew mates saying that but it not being a thing in the crew itself it just seems down right blunder from oda if he does that
I'm sticking with my primary and secondary VC belief